Chapter 2

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AN: Hey! Here's chapter two. Also note James and Lily from the future will be known as James II and Lily II

Disclaimer: Did you think that JK would be on Wattpad?


Harry looked like he was about to faint. His parents. His dead  parents! In the same room as him! And his children? Wait what?

"So," Harry started, "who are you three? If these are my parents, are you my children?"

"Are you Harry Potter?" the tallest of the three asked. When Harry nodded, the boy continued, "My name is James Sirius Potter, proud Gryffindor, fifth year quidditch captain, and super prankster. Oh yeah, and the best Potter kid!"

"James Potters are the best!" James said while he and James II high-fived.

"I guess I'll go," the Harry-clone said, "My name's Al. I'm in fourth year."

"That's not all Albus Severus!" James directed at his brother.

Everyone besides James II and his sister raised their eyebrows at Albus Severus.

"Yeah," Al said timidly, "I'm also in not  Slytherin. Thankfully."

Please tell me that your favorite subject isn't  potions?" Sirius said.

"Hey!" Harry yelled at his godfather, "He doesn't seem anything like Snape! Al, do you play quidditch?"

"He's the best seeker Gryffindor has ever had! Besides Dad of course," James defended.

"Yeah!" the only unintroduced stranger echoed, "My name is Lily Luna Potter. I'm a second year Gryffindor, and I want to be a chaser like my mum!"

Ginny felt a pang of guilt at the word mum. She didn't even like Harry anymore. That was a lie. She still liked him, but had given up. "Who is your mum, Lily?"


Ginny looked into the bright green eyes and lightning scar he was so well known for. She saw something different. They seemed brighter, and hopeful. To Ginny's surprise, Harry smiled, "That means we make it," he whispered in her ear, "That means we have a family. Together."

"So guys, how did you get here," Harry questioned turning to both James Potters, "Why do I have a feeling that it was your fault?"

"You're right," both Al and Remus said in unison.

"Well," James (I) started, "It's a long story. Pads, Moony and I were making some new stuff for pranks, and Moony suggested a time travel potion.

"It was a joke!" Remus defended himself.

 James continued, "Anyway, we decided to try it. Apparently it worked. We took it and we ended up here. What about you, James?"

"Well James," James II explained, "Al and I were playing wizard's chess. Al's not great, but I'm worse. I grabbed his king, and started running around the common room. I saw that that one chest in the common room that no one could unlock, was open which it never is, so I went over to explore. Al was still chasing me even though I dropped his piece somewhere because the stupid thing was stabbing me with its sword. I suddenly stopped and he bumped into me. I started to fall and I knocked something of off of it. And this is where Lily ran in to see what all of the noise was. I have no idea what that thing was, but it must have sent us back in time.

"Do you have a lot of cousins?" Ginny asked, wanting to know about her brothers in the future.

"Oh, a ton!" Al exclaimed, "Charlie never married, and neither did Fred. Bill has Vic, Dom, and Louie. Percy has two daughters named Molly and Lucy. George has two kids named Roxy and Fred II. Even Ron has two kids! Rose and Hugo are the bomb!"

"Don't forget Teddy! He's pretty much our brother even though he's dating Vic," Lily II added. 

"But the most important question is: do any of them play quidditch?" James asked.

"Of course!" James II said, "The chasers are Ted, Lily, me and Dom. Our beaters are Louie, and Fred II. Roxy's also a beater, even though she's not on the team. Same with Ted because he graduated. Hugo is the keeper. And Al is the seeker. McGonagall is thrilled!"

"Of course, she's thrilled after almost getting a heart attack when she found out that Dad named his child James Sirius!" joked Al. Everyone laughed as James II pretended to make a face.

"Lily, I couldn't help but notice that you said that you wanted to be a chaser, "like your mum,"  does that mean I make it on the house team?" Ginny questioned.

"Mum, you're better that just for the house team! You're like national team first string good!" said James II without thinking.

Ginny was shocked. Her in the future was pretty cool. Marrying Harry and playing professional quidditch? That's totally awesome!

"That's all right, mini-mini Prongs," said Sirius.

"We will probably have to be obliviated anyway," said Remus.

"Mini-mini Prongs? Are you serious?" Ginny asked.

"Yes" "That's my middle name!" Sirius and James II said at the same time.

"What else do we do in the future?" asked a still shocked Harry.

Al replied, "Well Dad, you are the head Auror. Mum, you played for the Harpies until James was born. Until Lily was born, you wrote for the Prophet as a Quidditch Correspondant. Now you just stay at home. Uncle Ron was an auror, but he quit. He works with Uncle George at his shop. Aunt Hermione-" Al shot his hand over his mouth, "I forgot we didn't tell them who you brothers marry!"

"It doesn't matter anyway, I was going to get to that," James II said.

"Yeah, right," was Al's response, "So Charlie never ma-"

Al was interrupted by another thump. Lily II was the first to recognize the blue-haired boy who was standing before them.

"Teddy!" Lily ran to hug him. Teddy scoped her up over his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Lily nodded.

"I'm assuming you know him," concluded Remus.



"Am I your father?" asked Remus.

"Is your name Remus John Lupin?" Teddy asked, "Then yes, you are my father. My name is Edward Remus Lupin. I'm training to become an auror. I was in Gryffindor, also a chaser. And, no. I am not a werewolf, but I am a metamorphagus! This is also the first time I remember meeting my dad."

Remus was in shock.

"Way to break it to them, Ted," James II said. 

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