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You there, with the tired smile,

and black hole heart.

Turn your scars into falling stars,

create constellations, by taking the hand of another lost souls,

let stardust,  get tangled in your hair,

breath out moon dust, like you breathe out cold air.

bare your heart to the night, like a nightingale.

spin around in happiness, like a planet around its sun.

forgive the universe, for putting you in the dark.

Look up, and get lost,

in the cosmos of your mind.

Don't be afraid to love the unknown,

for the most unreachable things,

have an equally beautifully soul.


A/N: This is the last poem in Stardust. The journey has been what I look forward to most some days. Meeting so many fellow dreamers and stargazers. This book has taken me to the farthest ends of the galaxy, and I can only hope it has done the same for you. I would love to know which poem has stuck out the most to you, or you could relate to. Drop it in the comments :)

I cannot begin to thank all of you, every single person who has read one poem, two, or even all of them. Your comments have helped me continue this adventure in writing Stardust. Your support has meant everything to me. Remember that we are all dreamers in an endless universe :)

 Remember that we are all dreamers in an endless universe :)

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We are stars wrapped in skin.

The light you are seeking,

has always been within.

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