Change of Seasons

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Filmy cobwebs blanket over caramel meadows,

soon the hills will be aflame. 

A harvest moon illuminates midnight paths, 

with an orange haze. 

A welcoming cornucopia of plenty awaits,

spreading a hopeful taste,

leaving you in a harmonious daze.

With the fall of the last bronzing leaf,

comes the winter chill, to nip at your nose.

Like Jack Frost, with him guides a fresh blanket of snow.  

White gifts from heaven you can taste,

hot cocoa by a warm fire you embrace. 

With the first sight of a blooming flower,

birds joyful songs can be heard with a springs sung hymn. 

Paint the sky red, with the fall of the sunset. 

Inhale the beginnings of a newborn day, 

exhale the clinging past mistakes.

Roaming through flower fields,

watching them dance like heavenly bodies,

bowing down to the wind's songs of praise.

A summer solstice begins, 

popsicles melting in the sultry heat. 

Listen to the trees whisper your name,

allow your body to be swept up in the tide of a new adventure.

For dreamy are these summer days,

and star filled nights under the midnight velvet skies.

With this fresh breath of summer's light air,

I bask in the seasons of my life.

A/N: With the excruciating heat we've been having here in Canada, I thought it was most appropriate to explore the creative imagery and feelings a new season brings to us. Thank you so much for reading. :) 

"Look to the seasons when choosing your cures." ~Hippocrates

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