Chapter Fifty-One!(:

Start from the beginning

**Cody's POV:**

“So how did Selena do last night? Carmen said she went right to her room when she got back and never came back down at all.” David said closing the hood of my car. We had checked the oil on mine and Selena's too. I nodded. “Yeah she took a shower and climbed in bed. She was a mess. She cried for a while and then we talked. She seemed alright when she went to sleep. She just wants the same thing we all want. For this to be over and done with.” He sighed. “You know Cody she might not biologically be mine, but to me she's my daughter. There are times where I want nothing more then to take all this pain and stress away from both my girls. Seeing Carmen and Selena struggling so much kills me. But at the end of the day the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I’ve seen how incredibly strong both Carmen and Selena are. They both have a strength that you don't get to see often.” I smiled. “Must be genetic. The way I see it if Selena has made it this far then I think she will be alright. I can't wait for this whole thing to be a part of the past.” What I said was ex actually how I felt. Once this was over I just wanted everything to be okay.

“Cody I know I've said this many times and I'm gonna say it again. I'm more then grateful that Selena found you and that you've been there for her when nobody else was able to be. I can see how much you love and care about her.” I smiled. “David I love her more then ever thought was possible. Honestly it scares me a lot, but I wouldn't know what to do without her.” David nodded. “Yeah I know the feeling. So how's things with school?” “Classes are great. It took a while to get caught up since I transferred. Things are going really good though. I'm still happy with my choice.” “Well I'm really happy things worked out. Selena would be lost without you.” Selena told me all the time but the honest truth was that it went both ways. When me and her were apart I didn't know what to do. In the short amount of time we had been together we had really stole each others hearts. But that was something I would never have a problem with.

David and I stood outside for a few more minutes and then we headed inside. Carmen and Selena were sitting on the couch looking through some bridal magazines. I stood in the doorway and she smiled and then I winked at her. David went over and sat in the lazy boy flipping through the channels and I decided to go call my baby sister. I really had been missing my annoying little sister. I turned around and headed back out to the porch and sat down on the steps. I dialed Lee's number and waited for her to pick up. “Hello?” her voice said into the phone. “Well hey there princess.” “Oh it's you. What's up loser?” I laughed. “Nothing just figured I'd call and see how you are.” “Well I'm alright/ How did Sel do at the meeting? No one called me.” I sighed. “Lee yesterday was really hard on her. She saw photo's from the attack. Photo's of herself and all the injuries. She came home, showered, and cried. It wasn't easy. Today was much better. She's alright.”

“What happened? Did they say anything about the court date?” “No Lee there isn't gonna be one. Selena wants them to offer him a plea deal. Let Selena tell you about it when she see's you.” I didn't know if and when Selena wanted to tell her so I figured I'd leave it up to her to tell. “Okay Mark said you helped him yesterday, thanks.” For some reason Leeann seemed kinda off and I wasn't sure why. “Lee are you okay? You seem off?” I paused waiting for her to answer me. “Cody I guess I'm just lonely. Mark isn't coming down until tomorrow. Drew is busy with his boyfriend, Jordan. Selena is dealing with stuff. And your dealing with a lot.” I really felt bad about leaving Lee alone. I just didn't know what else to do.

“I'm sorry Lee. I'll try to come over soon, alright?” “Cody it's alright. I'll be fine it's just one of those days. Don't pay me any attention.” she replied. I still felt pretty bad though. “Okay then. Well you want me to come pick you up and you can come chill over her for a while?” she sighed. “No I think I'm gonna take a shower and lay down, not feeling well.” “Oh alright. Call me later and let me know how your feeling okay?” “Will do. Later loser.” “Later princess.” Just as I hung up the phone Selena came out onto the porch. I smiled and she smiled back walking over and sitting down next to me. “You alright pretty-boy? Everything okay?” I shrugged. “Yeah I called Lee and she seemed kinda off. Somethings up and I'm not sure what.” “Maybe you should ride over and check on her.” “I was going to and she said she was gonna take a shower and lay down.” Selena gave me a sad smile. “I don't know then. She might just be having a bad day. I'll call her later and see. It could just be a girl issue.” I nodded. “Yeah maybe. So you feeling alright?” she smiled. “For once I actually think I'm gonna be alright.” Hearing her say that made me feel pretty good, at least she seemed alright, made me worry a little less.

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