Chapter 7

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3rd Pov

Both Giovanni and Domino was at the room and Giovanni was just looking for glues about the Hybrids whereabouts, until a beep from Domino laptop was heard and she check it and saw it was one of the Hybrids.

Domino - "Found it, Project Dark Fang is on the Safari Zone on the Kanto Region." Domino said and Giovanni was overreacted.

Giovanni - "Well, let's go there before someone get it!" Giovanni said and was about to out on his black trench coat but Domino prevent him.

Domino - "No. We'll handle the press, and I'll have Rico and his team get the wolf."

Giovanni - "Who's Rico?" Giovanni ask confused and he slid his hair back.

Domino - "Remember that private hunters we acquired two years ago? You called them 'Killer R 'Us' Plz?'."

Giovanni - "Yeaaah?" Domino smirk

Domino - "Well, he's 'us'."

After a while now, Rico arrived at the Safari Zone and he and his team found nothing but dead Mightyenes, Houndooms and many Grass Type Pokemon.

Rico - "What in the f&$k?" He whispered and they board on their helicopter and flies to find the Mightyene.

Wilson - "What ya say fellas? Should I bought the 50 cal?" Everyone chuckled before something moving caught Rico's eyes.

Rico - "Found him. Treeline." They look at the direction and what they saw was a 34 feet Mightyene running faster than any Pokemon they saw.

Wilson - "Sure that's the wolf? Because that is one bigass wolf."

Rico - "Well, not for long." He said before he pulled out a SVD Dragunov with scope and used the scope to get a clean shot as he pulled the trigger which fired one bullet at Dark Fang's chest and a loud groan came out of Dark Fang.

Rico - "Put her down." Rico said the the pilots nodded and landed the helicopter on the ground which everyone came out except the pilots who files away.

Giovanni pick up the headphone and place it on his ear while he and Domino was watching on the scene.

Giovanni - "What do you got?"

Rico - "Nothing yet." He said before he again saw something on the ground.

Rico - "Wait a second..." Then they approach the ground.

Rico - "We got tracks from the wolf I think..." Wilson crotch down and he touch the wolf tracks.

Wilson - "Jesus... " He whispered in disbelief.

Nick - "A wolf made that?" The black guy said and Rico look at him before looking around if Dark Fang is still alive and Wilson look at Nick.

Wilson - "Maybe I should've brought the 50 cal." He said to Rico who shrugged his shoulders and Wilson began to search around.

Rico was looking around the bush until a loud scap was heard and everyone pointed their M4 Carbine with scope and holder at the rumbling bushes. Rico slowly approached it and was about to see what it was until a group of Stantler immediately burst out of the bush, surprising everyone and the Stantlers ran as fast as they can.

Wilson - "They're in a big hurry. What do you think that spooked t-." He was immediately cut off when Dark Fang in a mere second bite him making Nick injured by the sudden impact and everyone scream.

Rico - "Vince! Sam! Set a perimeter!"

Sam - "Come on!"

Rico - "Open fire!!" He shouted and everyone began to open fire at Dark Fang who kept running around in circles before he jump on a tree and fly with a screech leaving everyone still opened fire except Rico who was looking with horror and fear.

Rico - "What the hell...?"

Meanwhile, Giovanni and Domino look on the screens and could heard many shouts and screaming as well gunshots which Domino stopped crossing her arms and they look in shocked.

Vince - "I-I-I-It's on me!!" He shouted with fear and Rico panicked.

Rico - "RUN, VINCE!!" Vince got up and tried to run away fast as he can but Dark Fang ate him while running.

Giovanni - "Get it, you fools!" Giovanni shouted on the headphone and Domino put her head down.

Domino - "They won't. The pathogen is doing what we designed it to." Giovanni looked at her before looking at the scene and he watched as Sam scream while firing all the bullets he had and Dark Fang rush at him and open his mouth then ate him.

Rico - "Sam, check in. Vince, check in, NICK-." He was leaning against a tree and he was cut off when he saw body organs, limps and blood trails on his left side and he walk toward it.

He arrived and he saw many of his last teammates were ripped apart which left him horrified and in fear and he backed away.

Rico - "Ben, get me outta here of this shit!" He said on his com.

Ben - "Copy that, twelve klicks out." He replied back and once Rico was out of the bush, he turn to his left side and saw Dark Fang slowly approaching to him while growling.

Rico - "Oh... f&$k..." Rico mumbled in disbelief and he fired multiple bullets with his AN-94 while screaming and he was able to run which Dark Fang roar and ran at him.

Ben - "Oh, shit! I see the damn thing!"

Rico - "Light this son of a b&$ch up!!!" Hector began to fired many bullets of the 50 cal at Dark Fang as Rico jump to his right side and he look up and saw Dark Fang about to jump on the helicopter.

Rico - "INCOMING!!!!" He scream loudly and Dark Fang jump up high and began to fly which he bite off Hector and the 50 cal which made Ben panicked while desperately trying to get out but Dark Fang kick off the helicopter and the helicopter crashed on the lake, exploding it which left Rico had a fearful face and panting heavily as Dark Fang was behind him because he was leaning against a tree.

Rico sigh on frustration as he reload his AN-94 and he grit his teeth and was about to ran to his left side but Dark Fang swiftly moved to his left side and ate Rico who scream in agony dropping his bloody gun to the ground.

Meanwhile, Domino was looking at her laptop while Giovanni was talking with the FBI on the phone which he hanged up and sigh.

Giovanni - "What should we do now, babe?" He said and Domino sigh before getting up and put on her white trench coat.

Domino - "We'll start the plan now..."

After a while, they were at atop of the roof with the most powerful radio antennas tower as Domino pulled out the computer from the tower.

Domino - "Now, all we gotta do is just turn on the signala and those Hybrids will do anything to get here and make it stop. How do you think that will go over at 35,000 feet building?" She said and Giovanni look his right side a little before realizing what she meant.

Giovanni - "That pathetic weak Dragon will bring the whole plane down..." Giovanni said and Domino nodded and smirk.

Domino - "And when the wolf gets here, we let the military kill it and we then we'll collect the samples of the weaponized DNA."

Giovanni - "Then we'll sell those shits for a trillions!" He shouted with a nasty grin and Domino nodded before she press the start button which made Giovanni awestruck at his wife creation was successful.

Giovanni - "Wow, honey... You sure are genius." The tower open and send the signals.

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