"I-it's...Jungkook." Silence fills the room as Mrs. Jeon hears this.

Mrs. Jeon moves both of her hands to gently hold both of Jin's. Jin's shaky eyes slowly met hers. She burst into more tears as she hugged Jin. "If only I protected you better."

Jin cried with her as they hugged. "I-it wasn't your fault. It was mine," he successfully says. She shook her head as she pulled away.

"It wasn't your fault Jin. Does...Jungkook know?" she asks hope trying to pry it's way in.

Jin pressed his lips together before shaking his head. "Oh, Jin." Mrs. Jeon hugged Jin tightly again.

"He has a great life. If I'm with him, he won't be as happy." Mrs. Jeon shook her head.

"But Jin. Your life will change so much. Especially since you're alone. He's going to live happily while you have so many hardships happening."

"It's okay. I'll find a way." Mrs. Jeon looked at Jin. It seems like Jin love Jungkook so much more than he loves himself.

"Seokjin, you're too kind hearted." Seokjin looks away. 'Or am I just too weak.'

"I'll go back to America so he won't find out. You won't have to deal with me."

The door burst open earning the two's attention. Jin cowers behind Mrs. Jeon seeing who it was. Jungkook. Seokjin and Mrs. Jeon wipes their tears away. Jungkook walked closer to them.

Jin pressed his lips together and looked down. He couldn't bear to look at Jungkook. "Jungkook-" Mrs. Jeon was cut off when Jungkook yelled.

"Why didn't you tell us!" Jin kept his head down.

"I-I'm sorry," Jin sniffs. Jungkook pulls Jin from behind his mom. He grabs both of Jin's arm.

"Most important of all, why didn't you tell me?" Jin struggles to look at Jungkook feeling Jungkook's eyes burn into him. "Who's the father?" Jin looked at Jungkook shocked. Did he not hear?

Jin looks at Mrs. Jeon. Her eyes were wide too thinking that Jungkook already knew.

Jungkook grabs Jin's chin and made him look at him. "Tell me, who's the father?" Jin couldn't utter anything out as his eyes got watery. "Tell me!" Jin opens his mouth but couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Jeon pulls Jungkook away from Jin. "Jungkook, don't pressure him?" Jungkook yanks away from his mother's grip. He went back to Jin and grab him by the shoulder.

"Tell me! Who did this!" Jungkook yelled at Jin. Jin's mouth quivered. He looks into Jungkook's eyes. He looks angry and even a bit sad. "Tell me, Jin. Tell me-"

Mrs. Jeon yanks Jungkook back. "Mom, are you just going to let that guy get away!"

Jungkook was going to go back to Seokjin. "Jungkook," she says sternly but he still pushes her away making his way back to Jin.

"You're the father!" Jungkook stops in his steps. Mrs. Jeon walks up to him. "You're the father, Jungkook. You got Seokjin pregnant."

Jungkook looks at his mom then looked at Jin. Jin had tears in his eyes. "A-aunt, you didn't need to tell him-"

Jin was cut-off as Jungkook hugged Jin. His face burying into Jin's shoulder. Mrs. Jeon looks away.

"I'm sorry Jin. I'm so sorry Seokjin," Jungkook says muffled. Jin looks painfully at Jungkook. Jungkook brings his hand up and caresses Jin's cheek. Jin's eye twitches as he holds in his tears.


Hoseok fiddles in his seat as he waits for Taehyung remembering what he did earlier.


"Mrs. Jeon."

Mrs. Jeon looks at Hoseok. "Do I know you?" Hoseok walked up to her.

"I'm a friend of Jungkook and I have something to tell you.." Hoseok was a bit hesitant but he knew he had to do this.

"What is it? Is it about Jungkook?" Her tone was worried.

"Not...exactly." Mrs. Jeon raised her brow. Hoseok motions for her to come closer to me. When she came closer he whispered into her ear. "Jin's a carrier and he's pregnant."

He moved back. Her brows were drawn. "How are you sure?" She sounded like she didn't believe him. He can't blame her, a stranger came up and tell you someone you know is pregnant. Would you believe right away?

She narrowed her eyes on him. "It's not me. I swear. But I think Jin can tell you. He should be the one to tell you. I just hope for the best for him."

Hoseok looked back. "I have to go now. Talk to Jin." He rushed off as Mrs. Jeon face crease with worried.


Hoseok was currently in Taehyung's house, waiting. While he was with Jin, Taehyung was with Jungkook.

You could hear the keys turning the lock. Hoseok went to the door right as it opens. Taehyung closed the door behind him. "What did you tell him?" Hoseok asks as Taehyung went to his bedroom.

"Nothing much," Taehyung threw off his socks as he had already threw off his shoes at the door.

"I feel kinda bad for Jin..." Hoseok said as Taehyung sat on the bed.

"Me too, but we're not here to sympathize with people," Taehyung lay down on the bed. "I'm taking a nap. So please close the door. You can stay if you want," he teases.

Hoseok sighs and closes the door. He went to the living room. 'I used to like this guy. But now I'm...over him'. Was he over Taehyung? No matter what, Taehyung loves Jimin.

Hoseok sat down on the sofa grabbing a pillow and holding it in front of his chest. He should leave yet he didn't want to leave. He instead went to Taehyung's kitchen. There were a few dishes in the sink.

He never really cleaned for people but he was a tidy person. So he walked over to the sink and started washing the dishes. After that he swept the floor. As he was sweeping the living room floor he stopped.

'Why am I cleaning for him? Am I becoming like Jin? I'm not a housekeeper.' Hoseok puts the broom back in place and grabs his stuff. He is leaving. End of the topic.

He couldn't help it when he past Taehyung's door. So he turned the knob quietly and poked his head in.

Taehyung was clutching tightly to a pillow. Hoseok felt soft for a bit. He brushed the thought away and enter the room. It really did smell like Taehyung. He sat down on the bed by Taehyung.

He bent down to Taehyung's face. 'He looks so soft and cute when he's sleeping. I wonder if he'll ever show that side to me. He probably showed Jimin that side.'

He brushed Taehyung's hair out of his eyes. He groans and a hand reaches up to hold Hoseok's. Hoseok stops and his eyes trails down Taehyung's arm. He brings the hand to his cheek and snuggles it.

Hoseok flickers his eyes away at the cute sight. A blush slowly tints his cheek. He brings himself to look at Taehyung who still is snuggling his hand.

He tries to move his hand away but Taehyung's grip just tightens. He bites his lips as he thinks of way to remove his hand and not wake up the man. He takes his other hand and pushes Taehyung's hand away.

He quickly moves his hands away and steps back. Taehyung's hand search for something finding the pillow useful again.

"Weirdo," Hoseok said going to the door. "But a cute weirdo."

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