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        Sitting alone in the dark with a small light providing the only illumination needed, a solitary figure gazed lustfully at the pictures decorating a wall in his study.  A variety of news clippings and articles were reminders of the pain and hate felt for the victims of his desire.  Each face engendered near orgasmic emotions as he plotted and schemed.  In one way or another, the objects of his revenge deserved what was about to befall them. 

        Touching each picture individually brought to mind the ways in which that person would suffer before their lives would be taken.  Dwelling here always helped to calm and soothe; to regain focus.  Soon they would understand pain and loss...very soon indeed.  There would be blood and they would pay...dearly.  The life they destroyed would soon destroy them.


        Facing off against her opponent, Kensi Blye crouched low against a physically superior attacker who had her not only in size, but in speed and power.  But what she brought to the fight was determination and tenacity. 

        "C'mon Sam."  Deeks heckled.  "Are you gonna let Kens beat you down, man?  She's a girl, dude."

        "Women may be the weaker gender, Marty."  Kerigan quipped as she sparred with the heavy bag.  "But we fight dirty."

        "That's because we let you win, Kerigan."  Deeks snarked.  "Ya know...go easy on ya so you don't break a nail or something."

        Callen was observing from the sidelines and winced at Deeks' chauvinistic remarks. 

        "Deeks."  He warned.  "You're gonna bite off more than you can chew, brother."

        "Care to put your money where your mouth is Deeks?"  Kerigan challenged him. 

        "What are we talking?"  Marty asked.  By now, Kensi and Sam put their sparring on hold to join in on the fun. 

        "Twenty says Kerigan kicks your ass, Deeks."  Kensi began. 

        "I got fifty."  Sam upped the ante. 

        "Fifty that Kerigan can pin Deeks to the SuperGirl powers." 

        "I'm down for that."  Callen and Kensi chimed in.  

        Deeks expression turned feral.  Nothing like a good, old-fahshioned street brawl to prove his manhood...and to get a feel for Kerigan's skill as a fighter. 

        "Is this such a good idea, guys?  Kerigan asked with a hint of uncertainty.  This was only her third week at NCIS as a probie.  She didn't want to ruin her chances of success by sending one of her field trainers to the ER on a fifty dollar bet.

        Sam, Callen and Kensi were fairly drooling in anticipation at the exhibition that was about to take place.  Each of them had witnessed just how devastatingly fast MacBride was in a fight and were eager to see her hush Deeks once and for all. 

        "Yes!!"  Came the unison reply from the other members of the team. 

        A sudden, shrill whistle brought the match to an end before it could ever get started. 

        "Eric!"  Kensi complained.  "Do you really have to whistle like that?  My tender ears can't take high pitches!" 

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