A New Beginning

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Disclaimers:  I own no characters other than the ones I create here in this fanfiction-based story.  The canon characters of NCIS: Los Angeles belong strictly to their original creators and consider myself a humble guest in their world. 

Introduction:  Probationary NCIS Agent Jana 'Kerigan' MacBride has been assigned to the Office of Special Projects in Los Angeles.  Jana knew that her probationary assignment to one of the most elite teams at NCIS would test her mettle in many ways, but not in the way she was expecting. 

Other Disclaimer:  I am a raging newby fanfiction writer and this is my first attempt at utilizing one of my favorite shows as creative fodder.  In time, I hope to gain enough confidence to write my first novel and post it here!  Comments are always welcome; good, bad, or otherwise.  I mean, how else am I supposed to learn, right?

 ~Prologue:  One month previous~     

"MacBride!"  An irritable voice barked from the back of the squad room.  "My office five minutes ago!"

        Sitting at her small cubicle, Homicide Detective Jana 'Kerigan' MacBride of Straitsville PD rose carefully from her overcrowded desk and navigated her way to Captain Paul Harper's office and closed the door quietly. 

        "You bellowed, Cap?"  Jana smirked. 

        "Stow the snarky banter and sit your butt in that chair."  Harper growled. 

        Throwing a plain manila folder at his detective, Harper's expression grew darker. 

        "When were planning on telling me you applied for a federal job, MacBride?"  Harper snapped. 

        "I'm fairly certain that I don't have to report my every movement to you, Captain."  Jana replied.  "I'm a big girl and my parents died fifteen years ago." 

        "I really don't care, MacBride."  Harper hissed.  "While you work for me..."  Jana didn't give him the chance to finish.

        "Worked for you, Harper."  Jana stated as she placed a neatly folded letter on the desk and slid it in front of Captain Harper. 

        Opening the letter violently, Harper's face turned fifty shades of angry as he flung the innocent document across the desk at the detective.  Jana took her measure of the bristling, imposing and enraged police Captain that she served miserably under for the last five years and braced for impact.  The last detective to leave for similar reasons wound up in the ER after Harper hauled off and broke his nose and jaw.  Of course, nothing was ever done.  Harper had been exonerated by Internal Affairs and returned to duty without even a mere slap on the wrist. 

        "Consider your next move, Captain Harper...very carefully."  Jana warned ominously.  "Out of respect for that badge on your belt, I'm willing to leave this conversation right where it is, but should you decide to develop an acute exacerbation of stupidity and do to me what you did to Collins, I promise you it'll be the last thing you ever do...to anyone."

        Standing her ground tall and imposing in her own right, Jana held his raging glare fearlessly; a Mexican Stand-off ensuing between the two.  In the silence of her mind, Jana hoped Harper would get stupid and take a shot at her.  He'd get a taste of a side of Jana MacBride that no one had ever seen...and in spades. 

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