Time Will Heal

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Three months can feel like an eternity when all you have time to do is think.  Kensi Blye had left her bed well before sunrise for her morning jog on her first day back to NCIS.  Kensi needed the time to reflect and evaluate whether she felt ready to return to the dangerous, clandestine world of espionage and intrigue.  Anxious to jump back in with both feet, Kensi wanted to be certain she was going back for the right reasons and not to hide.  The other members of her team back at the Office of Special Projects would be walking on eggshells around her and that would be incredibly weird. 

And then there was Deeks...

Through it all, her partner, best friend, and now boyfriend, Marty Deeks,  had been Kensi's stalwart support (along with Sam, Callen, and Clay); her biggest cheerleader; a shoulder to cry on; and a whipping post when her rage would very nearly consume her completely.  Deeks' own gentle soul had been damaged by what happened at the hands of Jonas Kennedy and his hired assassins.  He would never admit to it, but Marty's heart was just as scarred as her own as a result.  Thankfully, Sam, Callen, and Clay all knew how to help him face his fears and move forward.  Their blossoming relationship grew stronger with each inner demon they conquered together.  Undoubtedly, Deeks would fall over himself trying to protect her, but Kensi was strong again; ready to face the rigors of her chosen career; more centered deep-down with a calm that spooked even her jaded self on occasion; a new sense of purpose to fulfill.  Depsite the support Kensi had from her family at NCIS, she was still affected by her brutal assault and would be for years to come.  Once she embraced the reality of what had happened, made it a part of who she was and let it go, Kensi was able to diffuse its power over her life and emotions so she could move on...and move on she would. 

Sam Hanna stood in the living room of his Los Angeles home with his amazing wife, Michelle enjoying a long, sweet hug before he left for his first day back at NCIS.  The weeks of rehab he endured and his own stringent workout regimen had helped Sam recover from his brutal wounds he'd suffered three months previous.  As far as his emotional state went, he felt great despite the nagging, lingering whispers of guilt he felt for allowing his team to suffer at Jonas Kennedy's hand.  The senior field agent took protecting his family at NCIS as seriously as he did Michelle and their children.  They were all his family and he would give his life for any of them without question. 

During his rehab Sam had stayed in particularly close contact with Kensi Blye.  The senior female agent with the mismatched brown eyes had endured physical, mental and sexual abuse at the evil hands of their captors and had their Operational Psychologist, Nate Getz, quite busy between the two of them, as well.  Kensi was strong; even stronger now that she and Deeks were dating and pushed through the hurt and pain in typical Kensi style...smash-mouth, mutant ninja assassin with lethal skill.  Sam knew his baby sister would be dealing with the trauma for many more months down the line, but she was determined not to allow it to affect her work or her mission in life. 

"Penny for your thoughts, baby?"  Michelle whispered once she realized that her husband had zoned out while holding her close.

"Oh!  Sorry love."  Sam said jumping slightly as he let his wife go.  "Just thinking about the rest of the team and what the day's gonna look like for us."

"It'll be just like any other day at NCIS; dangerous...irritating...annoying...fun...everything you like in a typical day at OSP, Sam."  Michelle's eyes had that cute little twinkle dancing at the edges, matching the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Sam chuckled softly in his chest.  Michelle was, of course, right in her assessment.  He loved what he did...bad days, horrible cases and all.  "But I love being home with you and the kids just as much, 'Chelle."

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