"Ashley! I didn't know you were here," Mrs. Grey said, exasperated once they pulled back. My mom was crying again. "Are you back in town?" She sounded...pleased. 

Mom shook her head. "We moved back a few months ago. I meant to visit you, but..."

Feeling awful and knowing the real reason why my parents cut contact with the Greys for three years, I spoke up, saving my mom. "But I didn't want to see Nicholas at the time so I begged her and dad not to make any contact. It's really not their fault, it's all mine," I blurted out, my anxiousness causing my fingers to fidget.

Mrs. Grey caught my eyes then, her shock evident in her eyes. "Iris! Oh, how you've grown. You look so beautiful, darling. And I understand where you were coming from, my Nick hurt you badly, didn't he?" She motioned for me to come closer as she spoke.

I slowly approached her. "I mean, he explained everything, so it's not a problem anymore."

She smiled. "I wish I'd known you were back. I would've loved to have you over for dinner."

Mom sniffed and I almost chuckled at her. "Oh, God. Sorry, I am a crying mess, but we can still do that, Evelyn. The years have escaped us all."

Mrs. Grey's eyes watered. "I know," she said, choking back her tears, "all because we were listening to our kids."

A laugh escaped mom. "How are you feeling?"

"It was just a fluke. I was dehydrated," Mrs. Grey brushed it off, "I'm all better now."

I could hear my dad and Mr. Grey chatting it up as if the past three years didn't happen. When they started their infamous debate on which football team was better, I immediately tuned them out. 

Turning to Sabrina and Hunter, I offered them a soft smile. "Hey, guys."

Sabrina was looking at me with a beaming grin. As soon as my greeting escaped my lips, she lunged at me, bringing me into a tight hug. "Oh! I'm so glad you forgave Nick for his stupidity," she said. Then pulling back to catch my eyes, she continued. "Just so you know, we all told him to tell you about everything and let you decide. Nobody supported him in his decision to cut you off."

Now it was me who couldn't keep that tears at bay. "Oh, don't worry about it. We all have our reasons. How are you guys doing though?" I turned to Hunter, looking into his ocean blue eyes. He was watching me curiously as if he was trying to figure out my inner thoughts.

"We're doing well," Sabrina sighed, "trying to keep the disease from getting through any loopholes."

I was about to respond when Hunter cut me off. "Nick told us about the video, Iris." His voice was hushed. I'm sure he didn't want his parents to hear, fearing what it may do to their health. 

Shocked, I blinked at him, not knowing what to say. Sabrina, on the other hand, gasped, slapping his shoulder. "Hunter! Why would you bring that up?"

He glared at her momentarily before turning to me. "He's absolutely devastated. He won't talk to anyone; he thinks mom's condition is his fault. He's scared dad's gonna have another heart attack because of the news. And you conspiring with his accusors is the worst of all. So let's just cut to the chase, why are you here?"

I wanted to be angry at him for interrogating me, but I soon realized he was in the right. I deserved to be interrogated for what I'd done to Nick. I appreciated Hunter more at that moment because he really loved his brother. He didn't care about being cordial when it came to confronting the person partially responsible for his brother's pain. So, I gave him an apologetic smile, trying not to cry before him. "Look, I didn't know what they were planning to do to him when I helped them get him to that party. But I've done everything in my power to prove his innocence. I'll always regret being involved in this mess. I'll always be sorry for causing him pain. I just...I'm here because he asked me to come. And I can't push him away, so can you please tell me where he went?"

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