Chapter Twenty One: The Attack

Start from the beginning

I nodded, a few tears dotting my eyes. The attack, that persons voice, the searing pain. It chilled me and I shivered. Chloe reached out, grabbing my hand. "Its okay, youre safe now."

"I dont think I am," I croaked. I explained to her what happened, knowing she would want to hear it eventually. I left no part out, knowing that if I held onto this information for long, it would begin to slip through the cracks of my memory. Just as I was wrapping up the story, a loud booming voice erupted fro outside the hospital room.

"Where is she!? I demand you tell me, now!" It was only a second before Lucifer came rushing into my room, stopping in his tracks. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of me and I greedily drank him in, wondering how on earth he had managed to put a suit on for this. Not that it mattered much. As our eyes met something broke inside of me. "Lucifer!" I cried, arms reaching for him just as he swept me into his embrace. Sobs shook my body, my fear an anxiety pouring out of me as he held me.

"Shh, love. Im here, Im here," His soothing words did nothing to comfort me, however. I was too lost in my grief, gripping onto him as tightly as I could without my body protesting too much. How could I have ever thought I needed time away from this man? Our earlier drama seemed like nothing now and I knew I couldnt keep us apart. I needed him too much, just as I guessed that he needed me. We would work everything out eventually, that I was for certain. It didnt matter to me if he was the devil, didnt matter that everything religions preached about, Heaven and Hell, actually existed. The only thing that mattered was us and I knew without a doubt in my mind that I could not keep myself away from this man.

When my sobs finally subsided, Lucifer pulled back to inspect my injuries. "Where are you hurt?"

"Shes got severely bruised ribs, a slight concussion and mild bump on her head, mildly bruised wind pipe and minor cuts and scrapes covering her." Chloe interjected. Lucifer paled for a moment and I watched as suddenly he changed from shocked to enraged. "Who did this?" He growled, his voice low and menacing. He looked from Chloe to myself and I inhaled sharply as his eyes flashed red. No more secrets, Lor, I thought. Chloe didnt see however and continued on. "We think, Lor might have been targeted by the same person whos killed our last three victims."

Last three victims.

Three people had been killed and they now thought  the killer was after me. My blood ran cold and my hands reached for Lucifer's squeezing them tightly. "Three? There were only two victims."

"I was going to tell you tomorrow morning. We found a third body, Lucas Grant, died the same way as the other vics." Lucifers face dropped. "I knew Lucas he and I had been-"

Chloe rose her hand, a knowing look on her face. "We know, we found the uh, equipment in the basement. He was killed in his home." I was confused, but the message came out loud and clear.

Someone was killing people who knew Lucifer.

"So, why didnt they kill me?" I whispered, looking between the two of them. I was shaking, terror roaring through me. Someone had tried to kill me tonight, but for some reason I was still alive. "I think they were trying to send a message, give you a chance to leave him." I blanched at the thought, shaking my head. "What am I supposed to do?" My voice rose slightly as hysteria settled in. Would I ever be safe again? Could I go back to school? "Well, we can put you under police protection, so that something like this doesnt happen again."

"Or we could find this mongrel and punish him for his transgressions," Lucifer snarled. I looked to him and even though I was scared out of my wits, felt the need to comfort him. I gave his hand a gently squeeze and his gaze found mine. I hoped my eyes conveyed what I wanted, that I just wanted him to be safe. I didnt want him near this sicko, clearly they wanted to get to him, but Id be damned if they got within a foot near him. His eyes softened, he understood, I was sure of it.

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