no more revolution plus angs t YEEHAW

581 20 3

   January 11th, 3:24 am

Craigo my eggo - Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Mom™, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, and Craigo my eggo

Craigo my eggo: i cant do this anymore bish

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Marcel transylvania'

Craigo my eggo: re fucking tweet

Craigo my eggo: how have we survived so long like this tf

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Eye of the tyler'

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Sex and the smitty'

Sex and the smitty: i feel like a new... person...

Eye of the tyler: okay but its nice yknow

Craigo my eggo: as the ORIGINAL craigo my eggo i am never changing this is 2 iconic fuck yuall

Marcel transylvania: bye b*tch!

Sex and the smitty: why is marcel never nice to us

Marcel transylvania: someones gotta bea cold b*tch!

Eye of the tyler: 1- if ur a cold bitch you wouldnt fucking censor bitch u idiot

Eye of the tyler: 2- um im the cold bitch of the Chat try me bitch

Sex and the smitty: TRY ME BITCH

Craigo my eggo: this is how i enter my house

Sex and the smitty: WHATS UP FUCKERS

Craigo my eggo: WHY DO YOU HAVE MY PHONE

Sex and the smitty: FUCK YOU THATS WHY

Eye of the tyler: craig and smitty?? Never heard of those l0sers

January 11th, 6:47 am

Craigo my eggo - Eye of the tyler, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Sex and the smitty, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Craigo my eggo, Mom™, Marcel transylvania, Craigo my eggo, and Craigo my eggo


Craigo my eggo: ^^honestly yall need to fucking chill

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Evan deadly sins'

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Nightmare jon elm street'

Evan deadly sins: i cant believe i have the cheesiest loving of horror movies bf

Nightmare jon elm street: i cant believe i have the most supporting bf of his loving of horror movies bf!!!

Sex and the smitty: i cant believe im in a gc with the cutest couple ever

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Boston tea scotty'

Marcel transylvania: my bf is the worst and im not even british

Evan deadly sins: are any of us british?

Craigo my eggo: nah, we've got three fucking irishmen though

Craigo my eggo: also.

'Craigo my eggo' has changed their name to 'Dave me tonight by one D'

Nightmare jon elm street: can someone tell me why professors are THE WORST

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