"i like you."

828 32 8

November 11 3:35 am

[Private chat between Jonny boy and (e)Vans]

Jonny boy: evan???

Jonny boy: im sorry for not messaging sooner,, but are you okay?

Jonny boy: it says that youre on but i dont know, sometimes it betrays

Jonny boy: like the night before your exam two or three years ago but i didnt know you that well then

Jonny boy: and i called you in the middle of the night and you werent on but then i accdietnally woke yo u up

Jonny boy: i want to call you now and hope you answer

Jonny boy: but is it bad im scared?

Jonny boy: i dont know why, i really dont know why i am scared

Jonny boy: ill keep messaging you though, okay?

Jonny boy: im not going to give up until you answer

Jonny boy: night evan, hope you sleep well.


November 11 10:57 am

[Private chat between Jonny boy and (e)Vans]

Jonny boy: morning evan!

Jonny boy: i hope youve had breakfast, gotta keep you strong, right?

Jonny boy: i forget what classes you have so im sorry if i message you in the middle of a lecture

Jonny boy: i have my drawing class today

Jonny boy: you know the one with the rlly cool teacher???

Jonny boy: the one who let me stay out for a while when you had a panic attack and needed to talk

Jonny boy: then wheni came back i explained to her what had happened and she dismissed me, saying that shes happy that i care about my friends so dearly

Jonny boy: you should meet her, she might not remember you but you would like her :)

Jonny boy: anyways i hope you have a nice day evan, dont get too stressed, okay?

Jonny boy: and if you do, run to the coffee place near you, get that special hot chocolate you love, and rant to someone

Jonny boy: maybe you could rant to me?

Jonny boy: that would be nice, and sure, i wont be hearing you traditionally, but i would be in a different way


November 13 8:56 pm

[Private chat between Jonny boy and (e)Vans]

Jonny boy: luke visited and asked how the hedgehogs were doing!!!

Jonny boy: i said mine was doing well, but idk about yours

Jonny boy: evan, im sorry

Jonny boy: im sorry for being a fool


November 18 5:29 pm

[Private chat between Jonny boy and (e)Vans]

Jonny boy: im probably annoying you, but that wont stop me

Jonny boy: ill annoy you to days ends if it means that i can get a single text from you

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