"My relationship with Thomas Shelby is purely professional." She spoke, not missing a beat. "I teach his brother, he arranges things, and pays me my dues."

"And by... paying you your dues... you're referring to the instruction of the young man, correct?"

If Sybil could get away with assaulting the Chief Inspector, she would've in a heartbeat.

"I don't know why you're insinuating that I am a woman of that particular profession, Inspector Campbell, but I can assure you, that I have not had any relations with Thomas Shelby aside from those I have previously stated." She spoke sharply, trying to remain calm. "I am an honest woman, who lives an honest life. I love my job, I am dedicated to each and every single one of these children here in Birmingham, and I am the best at what I do. So, with all due respect, sir, please do not go spreading things that are false about me, as I have worked hard for this reputation that I have, and I'd like it if I were to be treated with the same respects that I have been treating you with."

At this, Campbell was silent, just staring at the woman that his informant at the Garrison had given information on. She was much different than the image that Grace had painted him, that being the young woman overcome with emotions that depended on Tommy Shelby to make everything better. This painting was headstrong, powerful, fierce, and tender all in one.

"A liberated woman, I see." He muttered to himself with a little laugh. "Tell me, Miss Day, what does your husband think of your association with the Shelby family?"

"If I had a husband, he probably wouldn't think anything of it." She replied cordially. "He'd support me doing something I'm passionate about and something that supports the greater good of the future."

"And what's a lovely little thing like you doing unwed? Surely you have suitors lined up for miles."

"I do not wish to be married at this moment."

The Inspector made a note of this, meanwhile Sybil took some mental notes of her own.

Someone had to come to him about her. Someone that'd witnessed the real bond between her and Tommy. Someone that wasn't affiliated with the Blinders, as they knew better than to cross them better than anyone. Then it hit her like a freight train.

The new barmaid.

It all made sense to Sybil in that moment, every single part of it. Both of them from Ireland, both arriving around the same time, and not to mention that the new barmaid had seen the scene between her and Tommy after what'd happened with Danny and that Italian.

But, for the sake of future leverage and making sure that it was really her, she kept it to herself. Inspector Campbell obviously had something against Blinders, and apparently, thought that she was some sort of person that meant something to them enough to affect them as a whole, and someone that was worth anything to them.

Little did she know, right?

The man also clearly underestimated her greatly, obviously holding little to no regard for women's rights or respecting women at all, which was Sybil's least favourite type of person to begin with. She would do anything to get him out of her town at this point.

"A liberated woman indeed," He mused, collecting his things and standing. "And since you were wondering, love, there have been threats of a communist revolution happening here in Small Heath. That's why I'm here."

devil's backbone 🗝 tommy shelbyWhere stories live. Discover now