Chapter 8

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A few weeks past and Barry and Caitlin had been practically inseparable since their first night together. They spent almost all of their time together until recently and the only time they were really apart was to allow Barry some alone time to study for his sergeant exams. Even then Caitlin had been helping him study for them every once in a while.

He had a roommate who he shared a small apartment with so they spent most of their time together in her loft so they could be alone. They preferred to have time to themselves after all where they could be alone and do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted and didn't have to worry about bothering his roommate.

But a few days ago Barry had taken his exam and today he got the results. He said he wants to tell her in person if he passed or not so she had to wait until he returned from the station and went back to her loft to find out if he passed. Caitlin was sure that he had passed seeing as he knew all of what he had to know perfectly. He could recite out loud to her and so she was sure that he had passed but she still had to wait a little while for confirmation.

It was only a short drive or walk from the station but still, it felt like much longer from where she was sitting. She had never been the most patient individual and waiting for him to walk through the door with the spare key that she had given him was driving her absolutely insane. She cared so much for him and also knew him very well so she knew that he would be absolutely gutted if he didn't pass these exams. She was confident that he had passed but still had this tiny little niggling feeling deep down inside that was stirring in her stomach.

But then he walked in with that huge adorable smile on his face and that was all she needed to know that he had passed. Just with that one smile, she could read his mind. It was quite a powerful thing really. She rushed forward and kissed him passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaping into his arms so her legs were wrapped around his waist.

"Congratulations, sweetheart, or should I call you Sergeant Allen," she beamed, kissing his neck.

"You, Caity, can call me anything you like, my dear," he replied, kissing her hair as he walked over to the sofa with her still in his arms and sat down. She ended up partly on his lap and her face buried happily in his neck.

"I have some champagne we can Cork open to celebrate. Then we can have some more fun... maybe you might like to arrest me," she teased with a glint in her eye. Although she was only kidding about the arresting part, being handcuffed to the bed as she had said to Madison previously was not something that got her off at all.

He simply chuckled at her and shook his head, watching her get up and walk towards her fridge to grab the champagne bottle and the cooler. Moments later, they were corking open the bottle together, pouring two generous glasses and toasting to his success. They looked at each other lovingly as they drank, snuggling close up to each other so they could enjoy the lovely moment together.

"So, have you told your parents?" she asked, leaning her head against his shoulder and nuzzling her cheek against him lazily.

"Yeah, I called them up when I got the results right before I left to come back here. They were both really proud of me and said that they were going to come down to celebrate next weekend and I also said that my girlfriend wanted to meet them so I'd you are up for it then they would love to meet you top when they come down," he answered after taking another sip of champagne.

"Of course, I am up for it. I wish that I could introduce you to my father, he would have loved you," she paused for a moment before her tone downgraded into a soft whsiper. "Just like I do,"

"I would have loved to meet him- wait! Did you just say?" Barry's eyes widened as he properly processed her little comment at the end. He wasn't sure whether he had heard her correctly but it sure sounded like she was saying that she loved him.

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