Chapter 3

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A few nights later Caitlin decided it was the right time for her to set the alarm off again. The whole day she had been practically shaking in anticipation. She had been waiting and waiting to see him again and today she was really sure that she would finally be able to ask him out. Even if it was just coffee or something, just starting with something small. Small steps before anything really too big.

So she closed the shop at her regular time and made herself some dinner. Nothing that she could eat though could soothe the nerves that were permeating throughout her entire body. It seemed like such a big night and she couldn't wait to see the outcomes of it.

She changed into her most attractive pair of pyjamas knowing that this would be what he would see her in later. She wanted to impress as much as she possibly could. It was just like a dress which was purple and clung to her body in all the right places. She made sure to make her hair look exactly right, having little curls at the ends. She applied a bit of makeup but not enough for him to know that she was wearing it.

She didn't want him to think that she was expecting him or anyone else. Even a guy would know that going to bed with makeup on is unusual. She could not risk him figuring anything out. It would put the whole prospect of them being a couple in jeopardy. She couldn't risk that. Not for the world. Especially not after how long she had waited for this to happen between them.

She set her alarm for two in the morning and proceeded to go to bed. It took her a while to get to sleep but it was mostly excitement and jitters in her stomach that made her restless. But after about half an hour she managed to fall asleep. It would only be for a few hours but if she only slept for six hours in the whole night then she would be exhausted the next day and that would completely disrupt her work day and business. The last thing that she wanted was for her personal life to interfere with her professional life as a store owner. It wouldn't sit right with her to do that as it had been her family's business for generations. She couldn't let her budding relationship with Barry get in the way of that.

But that did remind her that she had to have some perspective on the matter. What she was doing was illegal and although it was a quite petty crime, it was still a crime. She couldn't sacrifice her morals too much for this and for him. The worst thing that could happen was a fine but still, it was enough to keep herself wary of the consequences of what she was doing. She knew that he was worth it but still she had to keep in mind.

At two AM, her alarm went up and woke her up. Quickly she headed down the stairs and overloaded the alarm which caused it to go off. As soon as it began to sound, she rushed up the stairs and back into her loft so that when Barry arrived she would seem innocent and as if she was in bed when the alarm went off.

She was only sitting there on her bed for about ten minutes utes before she heard the signs of someone coming into the shop. It must have been Barry. She could feel her body shake with anticipation. All the bubbly feelings that she had been having all day were finally all coin down to this. She was finally going to do it. Ask him out it at least start the journey that leads to asking him out. Today it will be coffee and who knows what after that. They could be dating in merely a few weeks. She couldn't wait to see what would happen.

It was one giant mystery which she thought was part of the reason that she was so attracted to him. Something new and exciting for her to figure out and find out more about. She liked him very much and it all came down to how it could be the start of something amazing that she had been waiting for and looking for for so long now. It felt almost as if it wasn't really happening.

After a few minutes, she heard footsteps coming from the downstairs in the shop going up the stairs to her loft.

"Caitlin, it's me. It's all clear so you can come out now," she hard Barry's voice from the other side of the door, sending another wave of butterflies through her whole body. This what it. She was finally going to go ahead and do it.

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