It's Always Been You

Start from the beginning

"Rumor has it," our host Gretchen said pausing the video on my shocked expression, "that girl was on the Stephie Squad." 

"Oh good, lord!" Miles roared with laughter. "What is her platoon up to now?" 

"Well, it seems they want to know what that kiss was about last Friday night." Gretchen used a singsong tone to taunt him. 

Miles' charismatic smile gleamed brighter than the lights overhead as his eyes met mine. I snapped my gaze to the floor, not wanting to perpetuate any rumors. 

"There's only one answer, and that's the truth," Miles answered cryptically. "And the truth is that this beautiful merrow is a muse. My heart belongs to one woman, and no matter how many times we get it wrong, I don't want to be with anyone else." 

Gretchen's face practically melted as she lapped up Miles' answer, but I didn't know where to put my eyes, and neither did the rest of the band. We all seemed to be desperately searching for the same speck of dust to concentrate on. 

"Well, that explains that." Gretchen wiped a nonexistent tear away from her eye. "So, Mimi, are you seeing anyone?"

I balked at the question. I thought this was supposed to be about our music, instead, it was like a badly looped episode of The Days of Our Lives.

"Nope," I replied simply, hoping that would put this all to rest. "In fact, I'm going to be singing my breakup anthem when I open for these guys." 

"Oh!" Gretchen exclaimed. "The song that won? I loved it by the way! I was singing Over You in my car this morning. Not under your thumb, not falling for your spell, I'm so over you, and I'm mad as hell! Ugh, so good." 

"Wow, you know it better than me," I remarked with a grin. 

"Was there anyone in particular that inspired the song?" She pried. 

"He knows who he is," I gave the one good line I've ever been able to pull off when performing, and it made Gretchen vibrate with anticipation. 

"Ooh!" She squealed. "I think I've got new squad goals." 

I had to have Briana translate that phrase for me later, but apparently, it was a good thing. 

All in all, it was a successful last interview. I said my goodbyes to the band, being careful not to let Miles hug me, and desperately wishing that Connor would try instead. Most of the guys were leaving town to party before their rehearsal schedule got crazy next week, so this was the last we'd see each other for a while.

Thankfully, I didn't have any more interviews to do, and I could spend all my time making sure Maddy was getting better. I felt terrible saddling my mom with so much. 

There's a small part of me that believes my mom is doing all of this out of guilt. When my dad died, she wasn't able to stay home and mourn with me. My grandparents on both sides had already passed away and most of our family worked hourly jobs, so I was alone a lot. I actually don't think she was all that surprised when I got pregnant so young. In truth, we've probably both spent the last four years trying to make it up to each other through Maddy.

Maddy and I spent Wednesday making pillow forts in our living room and watching Muppet movies. She really loves The Great Muppet Caper, and I'm more of a Muppets Treasure Island fan, so we compromised and watched both movies twice. When my mom got off work, the three of us made dinner together and we sat down to a family meal.

It wasn't often that our schedules coincided like this, and I was grateful to share some gooey Eldorado casserole with the two most important people in my life. I was just about to take my second helping when James showed up.

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