Chapter 25 - War Part 2

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Suddenly, the Death Eater's began charging forward, and a student yelled "CHARGE!!" And suddenly students were running forward, and Severus got out of the way, watching as spells went flying.

Harry squeezed his way out of Severus's arms and ran towards the forest, Severus watching him go.

He trusted him.

Taking out his wand, Severus joined the battle, sending spell after spell at his enemies.

The battle raged on, and there were bodies everywhere - luckily there were more Death Eater's than students - and a few of the students were helping in gathering them so no one would trip.

The sky above was alight with spells of all kinds..





Severus sent a stunning spell, hitting a Death Eater square in the chest, knocking them back as another student finished them off.

Severus, his worry finally getting to him, ran into the forest after Harry.

He wandered silently, watching for any movement.

Suddenly, he could hear the sound of feet - no - hooves against the forest floor, coming towards him.


Turning, he saw Centaurs of all sizes, colour, and sex running towards him, and he jumped out of the way, spiders of all sizes following behind them.

Behind the spiders was... Harry.

Well, the dog form that Harry was in.

The pup barked, and Severus picked him up, running out of the forest.

It seems that Harry had gathered the Centaurs and Spiders to help with the battle, because there they were, fighting along with the students.

He watched in amusement as dozens - no, hundreds of tiny spiders crawled up a Death Eater's robes, and he shrieked like a girl, throwing his robe off as a Centaur shot him straight through the forehead with a bow and arrow.

Severus winced.

What a way to die.

Severus headed through the crowd, casting an invisible shielding charm around him and Harry as they treaded towards Voldemort - the heart of the battle.

Severus set Harry down to allow him to get some ground as he hurried along with him, eventually coming face to face with his former 'leader'.

"Why, if it isn't Severus." Voldemort cackled darkly, as Harry trotted up beside him, turning back to himself. "And me." He said, his Emerald-Green eyes dazzling with determination, and Severus couldn't have felt any prouder.

Voldemort smirked nastily. "Even better."

He drew his wand.

Avada Kadavera

Severus clenched his eyes shut, but the pain of the curse didn't come.

He cracked an eye open to see a shielding charm in front of him, and he looked over to Harry, who was looking determined and strong - he looked much older than he acted by far.

He looked back to Voldemort, who looked surprised and enraged at Harry.

"Why you-"

He shot another spell, which Harry dodged before silently and wandlessly sending a spell towards his enemy, hitting Voldemort square in the chest.

Voldemort moved his mouth to scream another spell, but nothing came out, and he looked shocked, as Severus smiled silently to himself.

Silencio.. How ingenious...

Severus chuckled as Harry walked over to him, gesturing towards Voldemort, a smile on his face.

"Care to do the honors?"

Severus smirked his typical smirk.

"With pleasure."

One last spell, and Voldemort fell to the ground, motionless.

But the battle wasn't over.

"Come on, we haven't won quite yet." Severus says, and Harry nods, turning into his Phoenix form, landing on his shoulder as Severus started walking down towards the nearly won battle.

He sent simple spells towards any Death Eater he encountered, and Harry took off, healing anyone who needed to be healed as Severus battled on.

Finally, the last Death Eater had fallen, and Hogwarts stood in an eerie silence, waiting for any more signs of danger or threat.

"We did it!" Someone shouted, and the students erupted into cheers as Harry ran over to Severus, tackling him in a hug, grinning happily as Severus picked him up, holding him in his arms.


It was now night, and Severus, Remus, Harry, Hermione, and Draco were all in Severus's corridors, curled up in blankets on the couch in front of the fire, drinking hot tea.

Harry yawned and snuggled up to Severus, smiling softly as he drifted off to sleep, finally able to sleep without worry...

Easier Than Trying - A Harry Potter (Drarry) FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt