Chapter 1: I'm not insane

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*Claire's P.O.V*

You know I'm not a bad person, just a person who made a bad mistake. No one understands that I AM NOT INSANE!! If anything I should be in jail for what I did, but since I started doing what I did "at a young age" they thought something was wrong with me.
   If anything I'm going insane staying in here. They think staring at a wall will take away all bad thoughts when really, since there's no distraction, more thoughts come in. So once again let me clear up, I'm not insane. Maybe a little...nasty but not insane.
  They think they can "cure" me but theres nothing to cure. I mean yeah it might seem like I'm crazy the way I act, but that's just how I was raised. I'm not weak and stupid, that's what they don't understand. They think I was so stupid doing what I did and that I was at my weak point. No no.
You're probably wondering what I did right? Well, this is why I said I should be in jail not in a fricking mental asylum.
   My parents always wanted me to be the perfect child, but I was just too weird for them. So they kicked me out at the age of 16. Yeah they couldnt wait 2 more years. Well being the assholes they are they didnt give me any money so I was made to live on my own with my money I saved up, which was not a lot. That ran out quick. 10 years I was living on my own trying to get enought money to buy me a flipping lunchable. Finally, I gathered enough money to buy me a drink so thats what I did. But it was turned around when a man about 25 offered me a drink. I took it I mean come on I'll save some money. Well, being the woman I am I wanted more. He had money as I could tell just from his wallet.
   What tirned into a drink turned into us making out and going to his house. At the time I was 18 so part of me was still young and I didn't want to go any farther. Too think he was going to get me in his pants that night was hilarious. Being weird payed off, because I knew what I wanted to do. I asked him to get us some drinks and he agreed.
  When he left I grabbed the knife out of my bag and hid it in my bra. He came back in with 2 drink and as his back was turned to me I slipped the knife out and came up behind him, slitting his throat. He dropped dead immediately. I gathered all of my things along with his wallet and other valuables. Don't worry I didn't forget the drink, took that too.
  And that my friends, was when I realized what I had to do to survive. 10 years this went on and still didnt get caught. Well that was until someone caught on to me and was an undercover cop and right when I was about to kill him I was arrested. So to sum it up, for 10 years I seduced men enough to bring me to their house and then kill them and take their money.
  Well even though I was 26 they thought I had a young mind so they thought something was wrong with me. 3 years later I'm still in the asylum waiting to be "cured".
I know how these things work. 2 treatments every week and medicine every day. Oh and a calm test every week. Yeah 3 years of that and still no improvements. Why, because I'm not insane. Now I'm here waiting for my new doctor who's volunteering. If a real, trained doctor cant help me then what makes them think a volunteer can. Lets just wait and see.
Sarah, the boss of the facility, said he needs with help with something and he picked me because of my files. Said its his summer job and he wants me to help him write things for something. I don't even know his name.
Lets just wait and see.

Hey whats up the somewhat 1st chapter. Brendon is coming in next chapter, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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