Chapter 29 : You will die

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Kylo watches as the space sky flies by. All he could think about was Rey and trying his hardest to name it home to her. His eyes lock on Snoke's ship. He knows that's where Kierra is. The resistance ship lands on the loading doc. Stormtroopers and Phasma surround the ship. Kylo walks out and knocks all of them to the ground. He walks up to Phasma and force chokes her. "Take me to Snoke now!" He lets her and she quickly stands catching her breath. "Snoke Phasma! Now!" Phasma quickly lead Kylo through the ship making it to the throne room. Leaving the elevator General Hux was already waiting with the staff. Kylo falls to the ground. "Where's my.... Daughter... Kierra.." Kylo looks up and sees Snoke holding her. Kierra is fast asleep. Snoke smiles. "I think she likes me already." Kylo stands through the pain. "She will never like you! You are a monster! Worst than I am!" Snoke stands and hands Kierra to Phasma. "You have grown strong young Ren. Come back and I will make sure she is safe." Kylo stands shocked. "Is he really begging me to come back?" Forgetting he can read his thoughts Snoke answers. "Merely bribing you with the safety of your daughter." Kylo moved through the pain. "You have underestimated me my whole life. You will not do the same to my daughter. She will know darkness. This is going to be your downfall. You will die Snoke." Sitting back down Snoke does not look amused. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are weak. Maybe you do have the true spirit of a Jedi... But wait. The Jedi don't welcome you. They see you as a monster. They don't love you. Rey.. The girl... Does not love you. She sees you as a way to get out of her poor pathetic life. She was using you. Rey does not love Kylo Ren." Kylo ignites his lightsaber. "No she doesn't love Kylo Ren. She loves me. Ben Solo. You will no longer torture anyone. You will die!" Snoke laughs. "Dispose of him. We no longer need him. Phasma take little Kierra to her room." Ben stops Phasma in her tracks. "You will not take my daughter anywhere. You will hold her and keep her safe until I am done with Snoke and you will give her back to me!" Snoke stands and with one wave of his hand he throw Ben across the room. Phasma still doesn't move. The guards surround Ben aiming their weapons. Snoke laughs as Ben waves his lightsaber in powerful strokes. "Good job young Solo. You amaze me. How do you plan on getting close enough to me?"  Ben stands there staring at Snoke who just lost all of his guards. General Hux finally gets back up but is too late. Ben smashes his lightsaber right through the middle of the staff causing it to break. "Hux leave! Now!" Hux decides it is best for him to leave. Ben had never felt such fire in his heart. Such anger. "That's it young Solo. Strike me down in anger. I will turn you into worse than you thought you were." Ben feels his face relax. He lowers his saber turning it off. Slowly walking towards Snoke he speaks. " I'm not angry at you. I'm not weak. I know love and friendship. I know what it means to protect the ones I care the most about. What it means to be free of pain and suffering and worry. I know life and when I look at my daughter and her mother, I know life is beautiful. You do not. You only know black. Darkness." Snoke laughs even more as Ben gets closer. "Are you trying to turn me? How pathetic." Ben shakes his head. "You will never know love or friendship... And I feel sorry for you... You took me in when I felt no one else cared. I'm not angry at you..." Ben ignites his saber right through the heart of Snoke. Some had not realized how close Ben had gotten. "But.. I can't and will not.. Let you harm my family.. I'm sorry Snoke.. I wish you could have had a better life.." As Ben removes his lightsaber he sees the last bits of life drain from his former master. He does not feel pain nor suffering. Ben Solo for the first time in his life, feels peace. He realizes he let go of control over Phasma. Turning around he sees Phasma has walked up to him. She hand him Kierra. Ben stares confused. "Ben.. It might be too late for the rest of us but for you and Kierra. Take her home..." Ben holds his baby girl close. As he leaves he turns to face Phasma. "Phasma? I want you to know... It is never too late... Never forget that..." The elevator closes as Phasma watches them leave. Ben makes it to an escape pod after seeing the resistance ship destroyed. He places Kierra in a basket with a blanket. "Let's get you home to Mommy." Smiling, Ben gets ready to take off. Before flying away the escape pod gets hit by a blow.

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