Chapter 26 : Hell is closer than you think

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"I need to see you. In person." Kylo smiles looking at Rey. "Rey I know you want to see me. I'm Trying." Rey pushes, "Its important..." Kylo get worried. "Rey what's wrong baby." Rey reassures him. "Oh nothing. It's just... Three days ago...our daughter was born." Rey smiles from ear to ear. Kylo eyes brighten. "Three days ago?! I'm so sorry I have been busy. That's why you were trying to connect with me." "It's okay baby." Rey grabs his hand. Kylo stands up."Well let me see her. I want to hold my baby girl." Rey laugh. "I want you to see her in for real person. That is how I want your first time to be holding her. Please. I know you can hold her through the force bound but I want you here and that way it can't get interrupted." Kylo smiles and slightly sighs. "I will do everything I can Rey. I should be able to come tomorrow." Rey smiles and suddenly hears Kierra. "I'm sorry love, but our daughter is crying I have to go." Rey remembers Anakin Jax Solo and a couple of years fall. Kylo wipes them away. "Rey what's wrong? Please talk to me." She sighs. "I will I promise. When you are here. Please I have to wait for that too." Kylo sighs and grabs her hand. "I love you Rey. I'll see you tomorrow baby." She smiles. "You too love." Rey quickly went to inform Leia about the situation.
"He is going to come here?! Freely?! And you want us not to take him prisoner or hurt him?!" Finn smashed a chair into a table. Rey doesn't back down. "He has a right to see his daughter Finn." Finn gets close to her. "And how the hell do you know he doesn't want to train her to be a dark side force user or kill her so she can't become more powerful than him?! He had killed thousands of children Rey!" "He would never harm his own daughter! And he doesn't want her to be in the dark side he only wants her to know goodness and light and love! I know him Finn!" Finn knocks over the table. "You are so naive Rey! You think you know him just because you had sex with him a few times! He is a monster Rey! He will never change!" Rey gets super angry. "He will be here soon and you better stay away from us. If you do anything to hurt my baby or her father I will personally turn to the dark side for a day and take care of you! I love him Finn! Get over it! And stay away from him!" Rey stomps off to find Leia. "Rey is everything okay dear?" Leia was sitting down rocking Kierra. "I just need to hold my baby. Please." Leia smiles and hangs her Kierra. Rey holds her close. "I'm sorry. You were doing wonderful with her. I'm just so stressed out and nervous about this that I just needed to hold my baby girl and get some love back." Leia places her hand on her arm. "I heard your conversation with Finn. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. " Rey looks down to find Kierra smiling at her. Rey smiles back and Kierra yawns closing her eyes. "I never knew something could be so precious. My baby girl." Just then they hear the sound of a ship landing. Rey smiles brightly. "He's here!" After handing Kierra to Leia Rey runs to the front of the bass. When she gets outside she sees resistance fighters aiming their guns ready. "No no don't shoot! It's okay!" Rey runs towards the ship. Kylo Ren steps out of the ship and the guns aim directly towards him. Rey turns around. "Don't shoot it's okay!" Suddenly Rey feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Her eyes glow. She instantly turns around wrapping her arms around him. Kylo slowly lifts her face and leans down gently kissing her. When he pulls away Rey hugs him tighter than she ever has. "I have missed you so much." Kylo grabs her hand. "I'm here now." Rey turns around and the guns were lowered. She sees Finn standing there angry with his hands balked into fists. Rey pulls kylo along while everyone else stares. "I am so glad you are here." Rey leads him to Leia. As soon as they walk through the door to the general's office Kylo freezes. Leia slowly turns around. A smile creeps on her face. "Ben....My son....? Ben." Leia hurries over and wraps her arms around Kylo. He holds back tears. He hugs her back. "Mom..." Leia smiles. "Come meet your baby girl son." Leia moved out the way to reveal Rey holding Kierra. Rey slowly walks over to Kylo. "This is your baby girl Kierra May Solo." She carefully hands Kierra to Kylo. He smiles and holds her close. " Oh Rey. She so beautiful. She looks just like you. Hi Kierra. It's your daddy baby girl." Kierra locks eyes with Kylo and suddenly he sees versions of him talking to her through Rey's stomach. The visions disappear. Kylo stands there confused. "What just happened," Kylo asks. Rey tilts her head. "What are you talking about?" Kylo looks down and Kierra is smiling at him. "Our daughter is definitely a force user. She just showed me visions of me talking to her when she was still in your stomach. I don't know how but she did. Now she is smiling at me as if she knows." Rey smiles big. "That is so cute. She just met you for the first time in real life and she already loves you." Suddenly Poe bursts through the door. "General I am so sorry to interrupt but the first order is here." commotion can heard through out the bass. Leia speak, "I'm coming. We can hold them off." Kylo looks at Rey. "I swear I didn't tell anyone. They must have been suspicious." Rey pulls him close and kisses him. "I know. Get Kierra out of here. Protect our baby. I'll catch up with you when I can I promise. Ben please. Get her out of here." Kylo pulls her in for another kiss. "Please be careful Rey."

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