Chapter eleven : Let Me Explain

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Rey spoke up scared, " No please don't hurt her. It's not her fault. I'm the one who allowed her to bring me the stuff. Please." Kylo turns to Hux, " No. She is a wonderful cook. We need her, but thank you for the concern. Now can you please leave. Me and Rey need to be alone. I'm going to interrogate her and maybe some more. Don't come back today." Hux nods and leaves closing the door behind him. Kylo hurries to Rey in the corner. "Oh my gosh Rey. Are you okay? Did anyone else come down here and try to hurt you," Kylo demanded to know. Rey met his gaze. "Get away from me." She pushes past him and makes her way to the other side of the cell. Kylo's eyes grow sad. "Rey... please.. I can explain... please..." Rey snaps, " I think explained enough this morning." He slowly walks over to her. "Please Rey... please let me explain...." Rey could see in his eyes how sorry and sad he was. Rey sits down. "What is it?" Kylo sits next her grabbing the blanket and covers her up. "Stop trying to be fucking cute and explain to me." Still she kept the blanket on. Kylo sighs, "They could sense it. That you were doing something to me. They said you were making me weak and if I didn't break you..." Kylo stops talking. A tear rolls down his cheek. Rey wipes it away. "What Kylo. What did they say? Did they threaten to hurt you?" "No," Kylo says," But they did threaten to.... kill.... you.." Rey gasps. "Rey I'm so sorry, but if I didn't they were going to hurt you. I couldn't let them do that." For the time in a long time Kylo actually started to cry for real. Rey hugs him. " Kylo it's okay. Yes I was confused and hurt, but I understand now and I forgive you." He hugs her back. " I knew you would be hurt Rey. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to say those mean things. But I couldn't tell you in front of Hux you know that. I also couldn't tell you before because I needed it to look as real as possible. I promise tomorrow I will get you out of here. I need you to hang in there for one night. Can you please do that for me?" Rey wipes his tears , leans in and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. "I definitely can." Kylo leans forwards and gives her another soft kiss. "I will be right back. Give me ten minutes." Kylo gets up and leaves. She wonders where he is going. About fifteen minutes later he comes back holding a pillow off of his bed. "Here. I want you to be a little more comfortable tonight Rey. I promise tomorrow that you will be back in my bed and safe. No matter what." She stand up and grabs the pillow placing it on the blanket on the ground. She pulls him closer and gently kisses him. She pulls away and puts her face in his chest. Kylo hugs her tight. Rey pulls away and sits down picking up the pillow. She can instantly smell it. She pulls it to her face and smiles. " It smells like you." Kylo laughs, "Just for you." Kylo leans down and kisses her on the forehead. He sighs, " I have to go now...." Rey lets out a sigh and stands up to hug him. He holds her tight. "I'll see you tomorrow beautiful." Rey giggles. He gives her one more kiss and then leaves. Rey sit down and finishes her dinner and water. She starts to read more of the first book she opened. Soon her eyes got heavy. So laid down and fell asleep to the smell of Kylo Ren. 

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