New Beginnings-Chapter 4

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Misery doesn't make good company.

That's what I've heard at least. 

After I formally met Scott and Stiles I ended up leaving almost immediately after. Due to that fact that I haven't really decided how I want to act around them, and how much to actually reveal to them if anything at all. In one way I wanted to go home because that it is where I grew up, but then I get a flashback of my last night there, and I don't wanna go back so much anymore. I don't want to see what will be waiting for me there. 

Coincidentally it was a Friday so I spent the entire weekend fixing up my room which did unfortunately include painting it by myself. I mean I guess I could have asked Deaton but it still all feels a bit awkward and new. I mean I actually only had one conversation with him the whole weekend and that was on Saturday night. 

It started out by him just stopping by my room before bed. 

"Knock Knock" he said instead of just actually knocking. 

"Hey, are you going to bed?" I asked

"Yeah but I wanted to stop by to tell you that I signed you up for school last Friday and you will be starting on Monday."

I didn't really reply so much that I just made a fact at him. All he did was smile a bit at that. 

"I also took the liberty of telling Scott on one of his shifts over the weekend, I asked if he would be able to show you around a little bit." 

I groaned at that "That will just make everything be awkward."

He actually laughed at me this time. "Goodnight Cali" 

That's how that conversation went. I mean I guess in a way I should be grateful for everything that he is doing for me, but it also makes me want to know why he actually is, the meaning behind all of his actions. But if all that I have watched from the episodes he doesn't generally give information out that easily. 

But now it is Sunday night where I am trying to prepare to be the new girl in a new place that is actually the parallel universe to my actual home, where this is all just a TV show. Yeah can't wait for this to begin. 


Back home I had to get up at the latest 6, and leave the house by 6:50 at the latest. School started at 7:30. Though it was kind up weird because everyone at the school showed up at like 7 to just hang around there. 

Now here at Beacon Hills I am happy to say that school doesn't start until 8. Now considering I am a 10 minute drive away from the school. I can wake up at 7 o'clock and still be just fine. I guess that could be considered a plus to the situation. Plus just thinking about how everything might go this year I will be glad to get the extra hour of sleep. 

My alarm goes off at 6:30. I like to think of the first one as a warning since I am one of those people who have an alarm set to go off every 15 minutes to make sure I actually get up. But I guess for once I was actually somewhat excited to wake up, and to start somewhere new. 

I got into the shower and tried not to think about everything that could go wrong. After I got out I stood in front of my closet with just a towel on trying to see what would be deemed appropriate. Since I want to try to be in the know with both the supernatural and the normal gossip. That means I want to dress to impress the queen bee of the school, Lydia Martin. I want to at least pretend I'm normal, even if it is for a short amount of time. Though from what I heard last night she ran out of the hospital butt naked. At least I know where in the tv show series I am.

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