I'm Going for the Shock Factor-Chapter 3

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Waking up I don't feel any pain anywhere. Which is a bit strange considering that falling asleep was hard because of it. It makes me wonder how long I was asleep for. 

I look put the window and saw that the sun was still up, but I could tell that it was no longer morning, another tell tale sign that I've defiantly slept more than I meant to,rather more than I should have. But I guess with everything that happened it was probably good for me.

For the first time I took a real look around the room, and noticed that it was slightly bigger than what I first thought. Everything else was pretty standard. Since I wasn't feeling any pain at the present I was curious to see if my face was in the same boat. I cautiously walked toward the mirror that was connected to the dresser and looked at myself in the mirror. Let me just tell you that I was more than surprised at what I saw. Everything was completely healed, in fact if you didn't see me yesterday you would not have even suspected a thing.

I noticed my feet were getting cold because of the hardwood floor I was currently standing on, I looked down and noticed that my socks were missing. Kind of a bummer, but I always manage to lose my socks if I go to sleep with them on. But I didn't really feel like having my feet freezing for the rest of whatever was left of this day. So I went back to my bed to find them.

After that whole ordeal was sorted. I started making cautious steps toward the door, trying to make at little sound as possible. I am not quite sure why I was trying to be quite, in fact I don't even know if anyone else is here. I guess in my mind that was enough to try and be as quite as possible.

When I finally reached the door, I started slowing to turn the handle and open the door. When I did all it did was show me an empty hallway. Again I walked down it quietly and saw that Deaton was in a kitchen and standing in front of a box hopefully containing pizza.

I took my eyes away from the food long enough to observe my surroundings enough to see that he had a semi big place here.

But when I looked back at the food and Deaton I realized that he had turned so that he was facing me and well to be honest that shocked me a bit and did make me jump back to which all he did again was one of his famous little smiles of his. 

He slightly pushed the box towards me. And hell that was enough for me to quickly walk over there sit down at one of the chairs that were on the opposite side of the counter and pick up a slice. Momentarily forgetting where I was and just concentrated on the goodness that I was currently stuffing down my throat.

I quickly ate 3 pieces,barely taking any time to breathe. I must have been more hungry than I thought, then again it was slightly normal for me to eat about that much on any normal day.

So when I looked up I was once again surprised that Deaton was still standing there. So I decided to take this as an opportunity to try and get some real answers out of him.

"So let me get this straight, you don't really have any idea why I am here or how I actually got here other than the fact that you know it used to happen to my Grandmother?"

He replied almost instantly. "I do not know the details of it all but I have figured out that you did in fact come here as a way to help Scott and the others. And I have a feeling you know the future of what they are going to be going through. But one thing that you do need to keep in mind is that once they find out your story so to say, they will ask questions and you will have to give them answers. But you can't, at least not full answers so I guess hints in a way. Another is that I have a feeling that you end up going through more than your grandmother ever did here. You will have to face more problems. Another thing that you should do is whenever you do go home I advise that you ask your grandmother more about this, for more of the specific details."

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