Is This Some Sick Joke?-Chapter 2

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Waking up was harder than you would actually think. My entire body was cold, my eyesight was still a bit blurry and my ribs ached whenever I moved and my nose hurt. The ground beneath me was cold and hard, every time I shifted I heard the sound of crunching leaves, the wind was lifting my hair around my face made me realize that I was outside somewhere.

My first thought was that my family thought I was dead and just dumped me in the woods. I quickly ignored that thought figuring that they at least care about me a little bit. Different versions of that idea were swarming around my head, making me think something bad may hav actually happened. Once I finally was able to open my eyes, my original suspicion was proven correct as I was starring straight up through tree branches into the morning sky. 

Now getting up and walking was one of the most painful things I have experienced.

Yep a rib defiantly has to be broken. Probably multiple ribs. Great. I'm really happy. Clearly. 

I don't know how I knew where I was going but in a way I just did and to me it seemed like I just went in a random direction and just started walking. Looking down at my clothes I was still in my pajamas which were a looses off the shoulder back shirt and short shorts probably not the best things to be wandering around the woods in. Both were covered in blood, I could see other patches of dried blood on me. I have no idea where it all came from but right now I really don't want to figure it out.

I quickly realized that I did not have shoes or socks on and the bottoms of my feet were now scraped and bloody. I could see a break in the treeline up ahead and finally broke though the and onto a road. Looking across the street my first thought was You have got to be shitting me right now. The sign in front of the building said 'Beacon Hills Veterinary Clinic'.

So what else would you do in that situation? Well I walked across the street and went through the front door. As the bell above me went off, I thought I was going crazy and if I told this to anyone else they would probably think that I was too. But looking around I could physically feel the jaw dropping. Everything was the same and that was starting to freak me out. Just a little bit of course. I mean it's not like I was practically shaking or anything. No of course not.

At this point I was half expecting Dr. Deaton and Scott to come walking out of the back while talking about another mythical creature problem that they have.

Well I was proven half right when Dr. Deaton came out from the back with a look on his face like he knew exactly what was going on and almost like he was now expecting me to a certain extent. But like, when doesn't he seem to know what is going on without telling anyone else?

He just raised his eyebrows at me when I didn't move or talk to him "You look hurt , come on back so I can take a look and see what I can do."

Again I made no move to follow him or speak. "I know you are probably very confused. But that look on your face says that you at least recognize me. So if you will, I have a change of clothes already for you and just let me clean you wounds."

He says wounds like I just got out of a life threatening battle. But on the other had if I am where I think I am then I should be expecting more of that in the time ahead. I still didn't make a move to say anything that just nodded my head and followed him, though the gate that I know to be mountain ash, into the back where I have seen so many different things happen in the show that it's practically familiar to me to be here.

We didn't talk while I sat on the cold metal table that he addressed the scrapes on my feet and cleaned them out. But honestly that was the last thing that was on my mind at the moment. Seeing as right now I was focused on the fact that a TV show character was now real, other than the actor that plays him of course, but that right now is beside the point.

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