She's back

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Troublemakers sequel 11

Susan's P.O.V

Katherine and Mabel were about to get ready while me and Alice were on our way to do our part.

I did a little research and it seems like there is a opening in the back of the building where the vents connect. The only problem is it takes longer to get to Wendy's cell from there. Plus we go over many offices and blocks so we don't wanna make any noise. So me and Alice will go through there trying to be as silent as we can. Zayn, Liam and Niall will take the elevator, because probably no one would recognize them. Or even care.

Then Mabel and Katherine will take the passage way starting in the lobby all the way up to Wendy's cell. But they have to get the key first.

The hard part was getting out of there once we had Wendy.

"You go first" I say to Alice as she climbs in and I do the same right after her.

"We gotta be extra quiet" she informed me about something I already knew.

I swiftly crawled through the tight space for about twenty minutes and I was already getting sweaty. For a air duct, it was really hot in there.

"We're here, I think" Alice said kicking the vent gate with her foot then hopping out. I followed.

I looked around after we were out and saw Liam, Zayn and Niall get out of the elevator, before the guards could even notice them we rushed over and took care of them.

We were in the interrogation block so we would need a key to get across the door that connected to the jail.

I swiped it from the knocked out guards belt.

"Wendy should be this way" I led the rest of them and used the key to open the door. Most of the inmates didn't care or were asleep already to even notice us.

I located Wendy sitting on the ground with her back leaned against the wall. She noticed me and suddenly hopped up.

"Guys!" She said excitedly but then saw Zayn who was pretty happy to see her too.

"What are the boys doing here?" She questioned like we were in trouble.

"They asked for our help, so we're here to help" Zayn explained and we nodded.

"Well do you guys have the key?" She asked and we shook our heads no. The one thing we didn't have.

Mabel and Katherine was suppose to get the key from the head guy of this place. So we just had to make a smooth passage so they could come up with no problem. But now we gotta wait.


Mabel's P.O.V

"We have to get the key before we put these guys into action" I say referring to Harry and Louis who were just sitting there.

"It's on that guy" Katherine said pointing to the guy with really slicked back hair and a broad posture. He was wearing a black suit with a very serious expression. He was currently talking to some girl as she handed him files of paper.

He was over all handsome but he definitely made it known that he wasn't in the mood for playing.

"Your gonna have to take the front Mabel. I'll be in the back" Katherine says and I look at her like she was crazy. I'm not being in the front. I'm not trying to make myself too available.

"What? Why can't you do front?"

"Because I have a boyfriend" she said and was off to go blend in with everyone else.

"What exactly are you doing" Harry asked with a wide grin thinking we were talking about something else. Ugh dirty.

"Just watch" I said as I began to unbutton my blouse a little and raise my skirt.

"Oh I intend to" he says as I walk off to the guy who didn't notice me until I purposely bumped into him and made all his files and papers drop. Good thing it wasn't windy.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't even looking!" I said in the sincerest voice I could do.

"No it's quite alright. I should've been watching" he says as we both bend down to pick up his stuff. We gather it all and we both look up into each other's eyes. I could tell he felt something by the sparkle in his eyes.

I quickly get up and now we were both standing. I hand him his papers and we both smile.

"Thanks." He says like he has no breath anymore. I see Katherine come behind him and try to nap the key right out his belt. But once she had it the string attached to it came back fast and caught his attention.

I quickly grabbed his shoulders and brought him closer to me. So all his attention was on me.

"My name's Rachel. And it was very nice meeting you." I said very seductively. I mentally threw up. Fake names were the best though.

"Yeah same" he said as I walked off back to the boys who were shocked at how easy that was.

"Wow poor guy" Louis said but Harry shook his head.

"Nah. Just more for me" I rolled my eyes as I noticed Katherine coming up right behind me.

"It's time." I tell Harry and Louis as they get out of their comfortable spots on the wall.

They got up slowly and walked into the lobby. They did there magic and about a million fans came and crowded that building like it was life or death. Which helped. We popped the the vent open and I gave Katherine a boost up and then she gave me a hand into the the duct thing and we were finally in.

"The building is about to close, so we're doing pretty good so far." Katherine says with a laugh.

This was an insane plan especially involving the boys into this. Like they could go to jail for the rest of their lives but I'm pretty sure they knew that as soon as they got involved with us.

The huge dent sounds being made by us as we crawled through the metal enclosed space was very questionable.

"Um how much do you think these things could handle?" I ask cautiously but still moving right behind Katherine.

"I don't know, they weren't meant to hold people. But they are pretty sturdy" she said with confidence. I tried to crack a smile but I was too afraid that I was going to fall right through.

"I see the girls. I think we're here" Katherine says sliding out and hitting the ground with a click.

Me, on the other hand. Struggled to get out and instantly landed on the solid hard ground with my butt.

"Well it's about time for you guys to show up" Susan smiled while I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

I let Katherine do the honors and she unlocked the cell where Wendy was right behind. It slid to the side and she walked through with happiness, I'm guessing she was glad she was free.

"Glad to have you back" we said together and she smiled.

"Glad to be back"


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