So You're a Vampire

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Lucy knew exactly two things as she began to get ready for school on Monday morning. The first was that something was very, very wrong with her. The second was that she needed to get ahold of the mysterious Nurse Melisande. Already she was feeling a bit like some heroine in a young adult fantasy novel (not that she didn't engage in the occasional guilty pleasure). She pushed those thoughts aside, however, and chose to focus instead on the school day ahead. Luckily on Saturday she'd managed to finish her homework, though that seemed like the least of her concerns right now.

She felt tired, deeply tired now. Like she'd slept four hours instead of seven. She looked it too, and had to dig her cover-up out of her vanity. She'd prefer to not go to school, but that wasn't going to be a choice, even if she'd just been in a car accident.

So she went to school in a car with a driver, instead of driving herself which was downright embarrassing. It also meant no chances of cutting class. So she had to get through the day with unbearable hunger and fatigue.

And oh yeah, not to mention she had no heart.

Still, it was amazing the way one can turn their mind off and just focus in the monotony of every day life. Lucy found herself full of healthy anxiety levels about how many questions she missed on her math homework and her B+ on her French test. The hustle and bustle of walking from class to class, not wanting to be stuck in the halls, trying to stay awake, and focus on the learning was for the most part enough to distract her from her deeper troubles.

For the most part.

There were times when in a crowd that she smelled something...salty, metallic, and delicious. It took her a few moments to realize it was the sweat and heat of the people around her. She almost wanted to take a bite...that was severely disturbing.

Then there was the way everyone remarked how cold she was. She didn't feel it, in fact she usually felt a bit chilly, but now she felt alright. But ever once in a while someone would brush by her and look like she'd stung them. It wasn't until a teacher handed her a paper and remarked how cold her hands were that she realized why.

She got home and decided to call the hospital. If she was concerned before she was convinced now that there was something deeply wrong with her. So the moment she was alone she dialed the number. After finding the ER department and pressing several more numbers she finally reached a receptionist.

"Saint Mary's Hospital how can I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to a Nurse, her name is Melisande could you tell me when she's working?" Lucy asked, feeling a bit self conscious. People didn't generally call for nurses, did they?

"We don't give out the contact information for our nurses." The receptionist snipped.

"I came to the emergency room a little while ago and she gave me some information, I just want to ask a few questions about it." Lucy tried to explain.

"That's not going to be possible." The receptionist didn't seem sympathetic, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Could you give her my number?" Lucy said, feeling miffed to say the least.

"I can take a message with your number but that's no guarantee she'll call you back." Lucy began to picture the receptionist as the type to lean back in her chair and file her nails while speaking.

"Alright well, thank you." She sighed and gave her information to the other woman. There was an unsatisfying nagging at the back of her head that she should ask to speak to a manager or something. The click of the phone, instead, left just the silence devoid of answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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