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I look down at the objects thrown over my bed, my fan roaring loudly above Erica and me. Silly string, water bombs, two air horns, two of my old nerf guns, and my personal favourite paint bombs. 

'Dude I can't wait to see the look on Derek's face' I say shoving everything into my backpack. Erica reaches into the duffle bag that she picked up on our way to my house last night, she pulls out two masks. One of them was unmistakably a wolf the eyes were a strange mustard colour and one of the upper canines was split in half. The other was a cat that looked like a demon. 

'This one is mine' She says picking up the demon cat mask. 

'Well that leaves me with the wolf, so Erica this makes me your alpha for the day' I say slipping the mask over my face poking my tongue out the mouth hole. It took about thirty seconds before the awful smell and heat made me put the mask on top of my head. Erica smirks then slaps the back of my head.

'Focus up Stilinski this plan needs to be executed with no errors'

'We have not spoken of a plan' I respond walking out of my bedroom with her closely following. 

'Why would we need one' She says jumping loudly down the stairs. I look back at her at the noise in annoyance. I quickly run into the kitchen grabbing four water bottles and some ice packs to keep them cool. 'You got bikes?' She asks then points at my skateboard resting against the wall beside the front door 'Because there is no way I am getting on that death machine again' 

I roll my eyes, 'Yeah got some in the garage' I say opening the door waving my hand as a message for her to get out of the house. She raises her eyebrow at my rushing her but never the less gets out of the house. I grab my keys from my pocket, then push the button to open the garage. Not going to lie our garage is pretty messy, but Erica's reaction was over the top. 

'Alright shut it Princess' I say pointing over to the two 2005 model BMX bikes 'Those are our rides'

I watch her face turn into a petrified expression 'How am I supposed to fit on that?' She demands, standing beside it. 

'How are you supposed to fit! Erica, you are at least six inches shorter than me and weigh at least 15 less than me. You will be fine Scott and I use em all the time' I say moving toward the neon green one with purple handlebars, I sit down and then ride out of the garage. 

'You look like you are twelve years old' She calls after me, I circle back smiling at her as she fumbles with the bike. 

'Don't tell me you never learnt to ride a bike either' I laugh, the front of her bike collides with the garage wall. She snarls down at the red handlebars her eyes flashing gold. 'Whoa calm down cat woman' I say riding back over to her. 

'This bike is stupid' She says standing up. I raise an eyebrow at her as a response, 

'Erica come on you are supposed to have like super coordination' I say 'Besides if that isn't enough motivation for you, we have a tight deadline for ruining Derek's day' I follow up, then gesture to her bike. 'The trick with riding these bad boys..' 

'Please never say bad boys around me ever again' 

'Noted and dismissed. Now as I was saying, you crashed because you are putting your whole weight on the bike.' I stand up as I speak to her my feet light on the pedals, showing her how my body weight was not completely on the seat. 'Because the seat is pointed upwards, you can't let your weight drag the bike awkwardly down' 

'Hello, Mr.Physics man' She murmurs under her breath as she copies my body position. I feel pride swell up as she successful rides out of the garage 'Let's go and fuck up my alpha's life Stilinski' she calls over her shoulder as she pedals away. 

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