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'Kid don't forget to see Dr.Deaton today' Dad says poking his head into my room, I groan out a string of swear words at being awoken. 

'Dad you could have just texted me a reminder, not woken me up at the crack of dawn' I say around a mouth full of a pillow. 

'Well after that stunt you pulled yesterday I don't care' He responds his voice teasing. 

'Please, I have told you a hundred times, that wasn't me. Why would I be hanging around terrorising a real estate tour?' 

'Stiles that is exactly the kind of thing you would do' He responds walking over to my window, pulling open the blinds.  

'Dad no!' I gasp throwing my head further into the pillow. He laughs above me then throws one of my stray pillows at my head. I cannot express my anger in words right now, but those meditation videos on youtube seem to be ever so slightly paying off. 

'Anthony tells me he saw you with a girl yesterday, I thought you were obsessed with that Gigi Hadid' Dad says above me, I feel my stomach flip and awkwardness fill me up. 

'Who is Anthony?' I ask steering clear of the Gigi topic, dad doesn't seem to notice. 

'The real estate agent said he saw you hiding away at all the houses yesterday'

'Don't trust him, dad, Anthony is a liar' I say lifting my head from the pillow squinting so I could see his face, which was holding a very unimpressed expression. 'You leaving then?' I ask after an awkward moment of silence in which dad just stared at my desk. He clears his throat to bring himself back to the present,

'Yes I am, I left some waffle batter for you to use this morning and made you a sandwich to take to Dr.Deaton's work' He says turning around heading for my door. 

'Thanks dad, but one thing I have to tell you before you go'


'I just stalled you for no reason' I say a smirk pulling on my lips, dad rolls his eyes and continues out throwing a reminder over his shoulder to eat healthily.  I stayed in bed for a minute longer trying to get back to sleep, which proves to be a difficult task when light is beating against your eyelids. 

I reach over and grabbing my phone squinting at the tex message:

Derek: 5:00 pm my house, bring cleaning supplies 

A grin pulls its way across my face, as I attach the photo of Erica and I yesterday and send it to him. I can fell the irritation that will most definitely course through his body when he sees the photo. And on that note I should probably actually get ready for work today. 


'Stiles nice to see that you are prompt' Deaton says as I enter the clinic, he's looking at the clock which shows I am yes, one minute late. A whole damn minute and this man still manage to make me feel like I am an hour late. 

'Sorry Dad left me waffle batter and they were really good, I've been told I'm a very enthusiastic eater, and I think that just overcame me this morning' I respond giving my best charming grin. Deaton rolls his eyes and motion for me to come into the back with him. 

'I've got some things for you to order and clean around the place, and there somethings that may interest you when you finish that' He says as he guides me through the place, explaining the ins and outs of the most famous Veterinarian clinic in America. 

'And what would that be?' I ask reaching in and petting a dog who has a leg in a cast.

 'Scott tells me you are very interested in research for him' He says in a very ambiguous tone. 

I roll my head back and give him an unimpressed look 'You know we have established that both you and I know about the supernatural world, you don't have to be all mysterious about it'.

Deaton gives me a blank look 'I wasn't being mysterious' he says, turning around to muck about in a drawer. He turns around now holding two books, 'These are collections I collected over my time as a druid for the Hale Pack' He says simply placing them down in front of me. 

I pause 'Your time as a what now?' my confusion is made to feel out of place. 

'My time as a druid' He repeats again as if I simply couldn't understand English.

 'Yeah no I got that, what the hell is a druid and since when did you work with the Hale pack?' I ask vehemently seeking a clear answer. 

'A druid is someone who has spent a long time learning about the supernatural world, we seek to keep the balance of nature with this knowledge' He says pushing the books towards me as he continues talking 'I worked very closely with Tahlia and the Hale pack for many years, I was their advisor and they too were mine'. All I can think is that this means he knew like young Derek and Peter. 

'Why do you want to give them to me?' I ask flipping open the pages.

 'Well I know you find research interesting, and as it so happens I am quite fond of Scott. And I would feel more reassured of his safety provided you know all you possibly can Deaton says looking up as if he is who God speaks through. I can't prove it, but I swear to god this guy must smoke weed constantly, just trust me. 

'Ah I see, so you employing me is not because I am great but because you don't want Scott hurt' I say dryly, he chuckles beside me 'Well that and I need someone to clean all the poo around here' I grimace. 

Five o'clock comes quickly and before I know it I am sitting in my Jeep, staring at the cleaning equipment and really considering my life choices. I send Erica a text saying I hate her for peer pressuring me into destroying Derek's car. To which she simply responds

Erica: I'm pack you're not, therefore you more annoying

I try to ignore the message as I drive over to Derek's place, coming up the drive way I see his Camaro waiting, almost taunting me. As I park the car, Derek literally wrenches my door open a scowl on his face. 

'Well hello beautiful' I say a smile playing across my face, he grunts and points at my cleaning supplies.

 'Those are terrible' He says as if people care about the soap they use to get dirt off the car, I raise my eyebrows in response. 

'I don't think you are really in the position to judge man, if you want me to clean your car I do it my way okay' I say stepping out from the car right into his personal space, he breathes out not stepping back. 

'You are infuriating' He says moving back pinching the bridge of his nose. 

'Don't act like some hot shot adult scolding a child. You are three years olde than me' I say gathering my "terrible" products from the passenger seat. 'I don't understand why Erica was not dragged into this with me, it was all her idea' I say turning around. 

'Because she isn't you' He responds dryly, she's pack I think to myself. 

'Meaning?' I can't help but scoff at his words. ˙He remains silent watching me move towards his car, one wrong move and I know he will brutally maim me. I smile at the remnants of silly string on his car, 'you have to admit this was pretty funny' I say giving him a real smile. He frowns at my face, his hands rubbing against his arm, I can't tell if he is nervous or preparing to kill me in some way. 

'Well I hate to continue irritating you but, I do need a hose to clean. You even got water connection?' I ask pulling off my long sleeve, now feeling much freer in my white tee. Derek walks over to me, and yep he is really about to kill me, he gets right to my face then points to the hose laying beside the car. I laugh quietly 'Whoops how'd that get that' 

'Shut up' He says his face revealing more tones of anger as every second passed. 

'Fucking make me sourwolf' I say moving to pick up the hose, this is going to suck. 

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