Chapter one

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Hiccups pov

I have always had feelings for Astrid but no one new. I didnt want anyone to know because they would tease until I would tell her. But anyways, it was an original day. We were about to fight a dragon in the ring to train, and Astrid told me to stay out her way. I said ok and I tried to go to another cover but the dragon was trying it's hardest to attack me. So i scratched its chin and it fell to the ground. Astrid looked so mad when they declared me as winner.

  "Well i have to something." I said. " and where.??? Where do you have to go.?? " Astrid said sounding really mad. "Umm....that is classified?" I say a little scared. I turned around and ran out of the arena. While i was going to my destination i had a feeling someone was following me but i brushed it off. I brought i basket of fish for toothless. " Ok come on Toothless. We are leaving on a vacation.....forever. " I say. I put the basket of fish down and when i look up Astrid was there.

  "Oh....uhhh?? Astrid what are u doing here??" I asked nervously. "Ok look Hiccup. No one gets as good as this in a day, especially not you." Astrid said really madly. She started to push me around a little and then we heard a growl. She pushed me onto the ground and stepped over me while looking were the noise came from. I got up when she started walking over there. I got in front of her.

   "And why are u wearing these ridiculous clothing are you training with someone." She said. " Fine you got me, ive been making clothing. " I said. Then we heard another growl and Toothless came out growling even more. Then Astrid pushed me down and Toothless was about to attack but i got in the way. "No! Um Toothless shes a friend. " I say. "Toothless this is Astrid and Astrid this is Toothless." I say. "Ok this is weirder than i thought" Astrid said got up and ran to go tell the village. Toothless turned around and started to walk away. "And where do you think your going." I say to Toothless.

  We flown over Astrid and picked her up from the ground. We flown over the trees. We found a tree that we could put her on at the top. We drop her onto a branch at the top of the tree. And we sat at the top. I was in the middle of my sentence when Astrid cut me off. "I dont want to here it Hiccup." She said "Then let me show you." I say while holding my hand out toward her. She got up and slapped my hand away and got on. "Now get me down from here she said while putting her arms around me. I started to blush lightly. "Toothless down gently." I said.

  Toothless put his wings straight out and started to fly upwards. Then when we were above water he flown us downward and went in the water and brought us back up. He started spinning after a couple more times of going under water. "And now hes spinning." I say. After a couple more minutes of Toothless acting crazy. "Ok. Ok. Im sorry. Sorry for everything. Just get me off of this thing." Astrid says. Then all of a sudden Toothless started to fly gently. He started to fly up above the sky and it was beautiful. Astrid loosened her grip on me and looked up. "Its so beautiful." She said.

  When we got back it was already dark. I told Astrid not to tell anyone about Toothless because they would kill him and she said she wouldnt tell anyone. Then Astrid punched me and said"Thats for almost killing me." Then she kisses me on the cheek while blushing. "And thats for everything else." She says. And i know she can see the blush on my face. Then she turns and runs. Toothless looks at me like hes telling me "love birds."

  The next day at the arena i had to fight a dragon by myself. I didnt know  what i was going to do. So when the dragon came out i threw my shield and dagger down and take my moms breast hat off and threw it to the ground. Everyone was so surprised. I put my hand out ready to pet the  dragon and my dad says to end the match.

  "They aren't what you think they are. They are gentle creatures looking for a home." I say. Right before i put my hand to the dragons nose. My dad hit his hammer to the metal and says " stop the fight!! " Then the dragon started to chase me and i kept running. Astrid opens the arena door enough for her to get in the arena and grabs a weapon to save me. Then Gobber opens the door telling us to get out of there. Astrid gets in but before i could get in the door the dragon breathes out fire in front of me and i run into another direction. The dragon kept chasing me and i screamed. Toothless heard me screamed.

  Then a few minutes later Toothless shows up and attacks the  mounsterous nightmare. My dad and other vikings run into the arena. My dad throws me back and Toothless attacks him. He was about to kill him. "Nooo!!!! Dont!!!!" I scream at Toothless. Toothless pauses. Then he gets caught. Me and my dad has a talk and after the talk he and his army takes toothless with them to find the herd of dragons. I sit there and watch them leave feeling like it was my fault.

  "Its not your fault." Astrid says walking up to me. "He was just tryna save you." She says. I started to speak when all of a sudden i feel her lips on mine.


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