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I stared at the letter in front of me, I couldn't believe my eyes. I got accepted to Harvard University. Never in my wildest dreams did I think me, a hunter would make it into one of the best ivy league school. I did it as a joke, I didn't think I would actually get in, out of all the other colleges I applied for a never thought Harvard would be the one of them that accepted me.

"Hey, kiddo" Dean said bursting into my room surprising me.

"Oh hey!" I said hiding the envelope behind my back hoping he didn't see.

"Sammy and I are going out to get something to eat you wanna join," He asked.

"Ya sure I'll be down in a minute" I smiled.

"Okay," Dean said walking out of my room and down the bunkers hallway.

How in the world was I going to tell my brothers I wasn't going to be hunting anymore...and that I was going to college. They always said they wanted me to have a normal life growing up maybe they would see this as a new start away from hunting...or maybe they would see it as me abandoning them. I guess there was only one way to find out.


A Week Later:

I still haven't told Sam and Dean about college I was just waiting for the right time. I was going through a lore book with Sam at the bunker table when Dean busted through the doors and into the main room.

"What the he?ll is this!" Dean asked his voice raising.

.."What's what?" Sam asked.

"What's what?" Sam asked

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Oh no...

"Care to explain Y/N," Dean asked waving around the Harvard acceptance envelope.

"Dean I can explain," I said getting up.

"What is it?" Sam asked again.

"See for yourself" Dean shoved the letter towards Sam who took it and began reading it.

"Y/N this is amazing!" Sam said smiling.

"Amazing! It's not amazing!" Dean yelled.

"What are you talking about Dean she got accepted to one of the best Ivy league schools this is perfect for her she's smart and she can do this" Sam said.

"She will quit hunting and you can't just quit hunting Y/N somehow you always get sucked back into it and you don't want to waste all that time at a stupid school just to throw it all away," Dean said yelling at me now.

"You said you wanted me to grow up with a normal life Dean away from hunting so maybe this is a new chance," I said starting to get frustrated and irritated with Dean.

"Yes I wanted you to grow up with a normal life and maybe if you had grown up with a normal life you could go to Harvard but you didn't grow up normal Y/N you grew up hunting" He fought back slamming the letter down on the table.

"I can't believe this I thought you might actually be proud of me that you might actually be happy...but I guess you're more like dad then I thought" I hissed back turning on my heel and running into my room locking the door.


Hours Later:

I lied on my bed looking up at the plain white ceiling tears running down my cheeks still.

"Kiddo" I heard a knock at the door followed by Sam's voice.

"Come in," I said.

"I can't it's locked sweetheart" I made my way to the door unlocking it then making my way back to the bed holding onto a chunk of the blanket.

"Everything is going to be okay, he will calm down," Sam said sitting next to me. I laid my head on his lap and he stroked my hair.

"I thought he would be proud Sammy" I sobbed into the blankets.

"He is kiddo, he just has to realize that he messed up, but he's proud of you he always has been I promise you" Sam reassured me.

"Okay," I mumbled into the blanket.

"You should get some sleep," Sam said.

"Sammy," I asked.

"Ya?" He questioned.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked.

"Of course kiddo" He smiled and I placed my head back on his lap slowly falling asleep.

"Sammy" I mumbled half asleep.

"Ya sweetheart?" He asked.

"Are you proud?" I asked looking up at him with bloodshot eyes from crying.

"I couldn't be prouder" He smiled. I nodded my head and then fell asleep hoping tomorrow would bring a better day.

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