"Whatever." The door swung open and Jimin was slightly taken aback by the aggression.

"Hey hyung." The blond smiled weakly at the towering man in front of him.

"Sup. Come in." Namjoon stepped aside to reveal a neat apartment with fake flowers in almost every corner. 

"Jiminie!" An excited voice called before a lean man rushed towards Jimin to wrap him in a hug. "What's up? Why'd you call?" Jin smiled while bringing him to sit on the sky blue sofa in the spacious living room.

"I found this, along with a note." The still shaken blond from the earlier events held up the fragile chain that held the topaz star. "Signed off KSJ. Thought it might've been you."

"You live in our ex dorm room?" The tall brunet spoke in awe as his lips twisted into an excited grin. "What a coincidence! Yeah I got that necklace for Joon but he didn't appreciate it," He shot his boyfriend a playful glare before continuing, "So I left it there for someone to take. What do you think? Will you give it to Tae or Seulgi?" Jin joked, his laughter the only noise before he realised no one else was laughing.

Jimin gulped, actually contemplating whether he would give it to Taehyung.

"Jin hyung that wasn't nice." A stone voice broke the awkward tension between the boys. 

"Right. Sorry Jimin." Jin scratched the back of his neck before turning back to the spaced out blond. "You should keep it though. Until you find the person you want to give it to."

"Yeah. Right." 

He ended up staying there for a lot longer than he wanted, hanging with the three boys from his group that had already graduated. Hoseok arrived back home from dance at around 8:45, which was when Jimin realised he needed to get back.

"I gotta go guys. I just realised I left Seulgi in the apartment alone." He hopped from the sofa, their talks about high school memories had washed away all his thoughts on Taehyung. 

"Hey Park." Yoongi called from behind him. The blond turned around to face his hyung who was still sat in the same position he was in when he first walked in. "Remember what we talked about today."

"What'd you talk about?" Hoseok asked hopping onto the couch beside Namjoon.

"How gay is okay, but so is bi." Jin said to Hoseok, who winked at Jimin.

"Of course." 

⇥             ✴︎            ⇤

When Jimin walked through his shared apartment door, he had expected darkness and silence. Which was what he got, except that there was also a half asleep girl in pink pyjamas with a mug of water in her hand.

"Seulgi?" Jimin might've laughed if it wasn't for what she did next. 

Seulgi was exhausted, dance was intense and so was school. But as soon as she heard her room mate's voice, she bolted wide awake.

"Jimin!" She slipped her fingers from the mug handle and ran to the boy at the door, who was shocked from the force of the hug.

"Hey," He began, his arms hanging awkwardly in the air for awhile before he rested them on her shoulders to wrap her in the hug. "What's up?" 

"I had dinner with Jungkook again, don't get mad at him, I asked. He told me about what you had to go through in high school, the problems at home, the Taehyung cheating on you, the friendship bumps, I'm so sorry." She sounded close to tears, but he knew it was just her being sweet. 

Everything froze for a moment. 

She cared so much for him, he could've sworn he fell in love with her for that split second.

"Gay is ok, but so is bi."


Jimin had promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love again, the last time he fell into a trap like that, he ended up broken. And it hurt that this had to happen but he knew it had to.

He had to play his game.

He pulled away from the girl's comforting hold and stepped back.

"Did he tell you that it was him?"

"What?" She whispered, exhaustion present in her tone.

"When I caught Taehyung cheating on me, it was with him." Jimin could feel it falling back into place: his angry, broken demeanour. It was going to confuse her and hurt her, but it was for her sake. If he ever loved her, he would never be able to give her his all.

"Oh my God. I'm so sor-"

"Don't. Don't apologise. You should sleep." His tone was dull and emotionless. 

"O-okay." Seulgi was confused.

What's happening? I thought we were okay?

"Are you sure you're okay-?"

"Yes!" He shouted violently, surprised that his voice didn't shake. "I'm fine. Just go." 

It's for her own good, it's for her, it'll hurt now, but it's for the better.

"Fine." Anger boiled through her veins and prickled at her eyes. She slammed her room door and switched the lights off in her room. After sinking into the comforting mattress under her soft comforter, she couldn't help but wonder where she went wrong.

The blond crumpled, tears burning his own dark irises.

It's for her own good, it's for her, it'll hurt now, but it's for the better.

He closed his door softly and got ready for bed. When he was ready, he slipped under his covers and stared out his window mindlessly wondering...

Is it really for the better?

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