Chapter 20: Dilemma

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As soon as the new home was cleaned and prettied, Hannah thought immediately to have Alyssa over. She wouldn't have minded the First Captain along either, though she wasn't sure how to go about inviting them.

She waited until she next saw Rio to ask what he thought, but he turned the idea back on her. "It all depends on you, Hannah. Will you have the time?"

Of course, there was no asking Jono for another day from work, not after she'd just moved. She would just have to wait awhile before asking him again.

"You're all welcome to come over, if you like," she offered the other girls at work one morning.

"No, thank you," Sora yawned.

"I don't mind," Ginia said. "Perhaps with Raul."

All the girls paused, looking at her.

"Raul?" Deedee was the first one to speak up. "Have you ... seen him recently?"

"I have," Ginia answered, smiling shyly.

"Ginia! Why didn't you say anything?"

"We finally met last night. He explained it was work matters, as I thought."

"So all is well between the two of you again?"

"Oh, yes, though he says he's very busy, and probably won't be coming to Jono's again."

"That's a shame. I will miss them."

"And I will miss his money," Jono sighed.

That night, after closing, Hannah walked on ahead of the others, too tired to wait for them. Every time she came home, she hoped to see Rio there, to have someone in the house with her. But no, since the move, he had not come yet.

She lay down in bed, only one candle alight next to her as she fell fast asleep. She had to force herself awake in the morning, throwing water clumsily on her face and dragging on one of Ginia's dresses. It was days like these that she didn't bother wearing something more decent out. She picked up her shawl, trudging out the door. As she made her way downstairs, she heard someone coming up. They met on the second-floor landing, and she squinted to recognize him.

"Captain?" It was Macks.

"Hannah," he said, looking up at her. "Are you off to work?"

She nodded.

"I'm sorry, but I need to speak with you. It's important."

"Is this about Rio?"

"No," he shook his head."Actually, it's a matter of some secrecy. I hope you can help."

She gazed at him, feeling more awake now. She'd never heard him sound so serious. "Alright. But I still have to get to work."

"Let me walk with you. I'll explain on the way."

She joined him, the two slowly going downstairs.

"I wasn't sure at first whether to come to you or not," Macks told her as they emerged outside. "But I spoke to Stefan and he said he thought it was worth a try."

"What was worth a try?"

"It's about a man we at the guard have been trying to hunt down for some time now." He paused, shaking his head. "A real character. Smuggling, thievery, murder – you name it."

"A criminal?"

"A slippery one."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"We hear he was spotted at Jono's recently."

She blinked. "Jono's?"

"That's right."

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