Chapter 21: Shock

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The next morning, Ginia did not arrive at work.

Hannah had heard no news since sending her message to Macks, but she was sure now that Raul had been captured. Had Ginia found out already? She must be devastated, Hannah thought guiltily.

She wouldn't try to kill herself, would she? The thought made her panic.

Still, she kept her mouth shut, telling herself to wait until she knew more. But even so, everything in her soul cried for her to find out what had happened to her friend, to see if she was alright.

"That damn girl," Jono cursed rudely, seeing that the first of the breakfast crowd was coming in. "I'm going to have a good word with her when she finally comes in."

"Something must have happened," Deedee said, on her way to the kitchen. "What if she was attacked?"

"In broad daylight?"

"You know it's not like her, Jono."

Nervously, Hannah cleared her throat. "I could go see her. I know where she lives."

"Yes, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Well, no. I need you all here. She'll show her face sooner or later, I'm sure."

"And if she's in some sort of trouble?" Deedee asked.

"Then it's useless for us to try and help, isn't it? Probably too late anyway."

Deedee turned away, disgusted.

Hannah meanwhile, was becoming a mess. She mixed up two orders, and once almost dropped a whole tray full of plates. How could anyone not see her guilt?

At one point, Deedee came to her, taking hold of her shoulder. "Hannah," the girl said, her voice assuring. "I know you're worried about Ginia, but try not to let it affect you."

"I'm ... I'm not."

Deedee smiled, shaking her head. "You're a good friend to care about her so much."

No, I'm not. She bit her lip, relieved as Deedee walked away. Above her head, the clock struck noon, and her worry deepened.

Now, the morning crowd was trading itself for the lunch one – hungry laborers and merchants and visitors to Dalen, bearing big laughs and throwing their money around. Then in the middle of them, a soldier came, standing watchfully in the doorway.

Macks! Hannah thought, her heart rising. She longed to run to him and ask him what had happened, but she held herself back, practising control.

As she stood there, expectant, his eye roamed, resting on her. She saw a twitch in his mouth, but nothing more as he crossed the room and went to speak to Jono.

Hannah bent her head, her cheeks feeling warm. She was sure Sora and Deedee had seen him, and were wondering why he hadn't come to her. But of course, their thoughts were all wrong. She wanted information, not attention.

She focused on her customers, finding no chance to get near the bar and hear Macks' conversation with Jono. At last, he turned away, nodding goodbye to Jono as he made his way out again. Once more, he glanced at Hannah, but she had no idea what the look meant. She watched intently through a window as he took off on his fine wintry horse.

Right away, Deedee raced to her side, clutching her arm. "What in the world just happened! My god, Hannah, are you alright? I can't believe what I just saw."

Lightly, Hannah pulled herself from the girl's grasp. "I'm fine."

"Jono," Deedee called. "What did he say to you?"

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