the school jerk

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He was the school jerk but his smile attracted you and you couldn't help having a crush on him that had been growing.It all started when you met him at a party,him smiling at you from afar.You walked by him and his jock friends.Him giving you a smile ,you giving him one in return.
You began walking , with footsteps behind you.
"Hey." Finn said , coming up beside you.
"Right." I said.
"Finn Wolfhard." He said.
"I saw you at the party the other night." He continued.
"Yeah , I saw you too." I said.
He smiled and licked his lips , putting his hands in his lettermen's jacket.
"You're much drier now." I said , hinting to the fact that he was play fighting with his friend in the sprinklers at the party last night.
"Yeah, we, went home and changed up." Finn said.
"Was it profound?" I asked tucking a piece of my hair away.
"Huh?" He asked.
"Your change." I continued.
"Oh , yeah , yeah , yeah , Totally." He said , laughing.
"So , uh...." He said .
"I should get to class." I said.
"Oh uh yeah , see you around then?" He asked.
"I guess you will." I said walking off.
I ran to the bus, even though I didn't ride it, going inside and sitting down.
Finn came running inside and coming up to me.
"Hey is this seat taken?" He asked.
" don't take the bus." I said with a smile on both of our faces.
"I don't?Well, guess it's your lucky day ." He said coming to sit on the other side of me.
"So I was wondering if , like ,maybe I can get your number or something ?.." Finn asked.
"Or something?"
"So I could give you my number or give you some fake nuclear launch codes?" I said.
"I'll just take your number." He said smiling.
"I'll just take your phone."
"Huh?" He asked.
"One, you give me your phone.Two, I put my number into it." I said.
"Oh , right,right." He said.
He took his phone out handing it to me .I gave it back to him once I fully put my number in it.
"I'll be right back ." I said getting up .
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Forgot my geometry book." I said.
"Wait I've got mine in here if you need it-." He said but I walked out.
"Shit." He mumbled , looking out the window as the bus started moving.
"Hey where the hell is this thing going?!" He yelled out the window to me.
"No clue.i don't take the bus either!" I yelled back to him.
"Seriously?Y/n L/n!" He yelled with a smile on his face as the bus drove off.
A/n:This was based off thirteen reasons why season 1 lol!

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