jacob and millie

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so some of you may know that jacob and millie may be dating.

I know im about to get some hate for saying this but I think fillie (in a friendship and relationship) is absolutely adorable.

i also don't like jacob because he didn't kiss this girls cheek just because she was a little overweight.(im not being rude about being overweight.because I'm a little overweight myself.)

i just feel millie deserves someone better than a trash singer and muser.like being on music.ly shouldn't even be a talent.

anyways if you are a jillie shipper don't comment anything rude.
im here just simply expressing my feelings about the 'jillie thing.'

please don't leave any hate
on the book because my account is to spread positivity.

if you don't like my suggestion
you can dm me expressing your negative thoughts.

thanks,sincerely tessa.

144 words

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