he thinks your hot

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Y/n was hanging out with her friends,Millie and Sadie.

Noah texted Millie saying 'that he was at the grove'.

So they decided to walk over there.


They walked into the coffee shop seeing Noah,Gaten,Lucas and Finn sitting at a table.

They sat at the table,they all knew y/n expect Finn.

"Hey Y/n!" Noah said getting up to hug y/n.

"Hey!" Y/n said,hugging him back.

Finn looked up from his phone.He looked at
y/n,"shut your mouth,wolfhard,your drooling." Millie whispered into Finns ear.

Millie laughed as Finns face turned red from the embarrassment.


As they walked through the shopping center,Finn constantly looked at y/n,he thought she was absolutely gorgeous.

Everyone was looking at these cool shoes but Finn wasn't he was looking at the view at the mall.

"It's beautiful,isn't it?" Y/n said walking next to Finn.

"Yeah,but your more beautiful." Finn said.

Y/n laughed and blushed a little bit.

"Your funny." Y/n said walking back to everyone.


At the end of the day,Finn got y/ns number from Noah.

A/n:I didn't realize this book would get a lot of recognition!

210 words

Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now