spin the bottle

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Edited June 4th, 2019.

Location: Finns House.
Current Time: 12pm.
Who's There: It Cast And Stranger Things Cast.

Sophia laid on her back, playing with her hair. "I'm bored guys!" She groaned and Sadie looked over, adding in, "me too!" Which made them earn a few more, "me too's", leading Millie to her suggestion, "then let's play truth or dare," she added.

Millie looked over to Y/n, who paid more attention to her phone than the conversation. "Huh?" Y/n asked. "Want to play, spin the bottle?" She shrugged, "if you guys want to."

Chosen nodded, "I do, sounds better than sitting here and doing nothing." Everyone nodded and Millie quickly grabbed the empty coca-cola bottle she had beside her and set it in the middle of them, as they gathered into a circle.

As they did, Finn looked at Y/n, hoping for a glance back, but off course she was too wrapped up into a conversation with Jermey, so she didn't even notice him staring.

And of course, Millie and Sadie noticed. So they sent a glance, smirking, before saying "Finn, spin the bottle."

"What?" He asked, confused as he was bewildered by their remark.

"Spin the bottle." Sadie repeated, a little louder, which made Y/n send a glance at him, nervous for who he was going to kiss, as she had always had a little crush on him.

He nervously picked up the bottle and spinned it. As everyone, especially Y/n looked at, until it stopped. Everyone looked up at who it landed on, Y/n. She flustered and nervously looked up to see everyone staring at her, but she was staring at Finn. Their eyes met and they both blushed.

"You don't have to kiss me, if you don't want-," Y/n began but to her surprise, Finn grabbed her cheek, whispering, "I don't mind." They both leaned in, pressing their lips together, not for long, but long enough for it to be passionate.

They both pulled away and immediately Noah yelled, "my turn!" grabbing the bottle, as Y/n pressed her fingers to her lips, feeling the tingling sensation, from being released from his touch and kiss, she didn't want to end.

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