he admits he loves you

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Today it's schnapponline  's birthday!so happy birthday and go follow her and tell her happy birthday!
This chapter is early due to her birthday!

Finn-I really need to see you right now

Y/n-it's 2 in the morning


Y/n-Fine were?

Finn-The bridge by the beach I'll see you there in 5 minutes

Y/n sighed and got up from bed and got ready.

5 minutes later

Y/n arrived and saw Finn pacing back and forth.

"Hey." Finn heard and looked to see y/n.

"H-h-hey" Finn said quietly.

"Why did you want to see me?" Y/n said.

"Y/n,your my best friend.Can you keep a secret?" Finn said grabbing y/ns hands and holding them.

"Of course." Y/n said holding Finns hands back.

"I'm in love with my best friend." Finn said.

Y/n looked shocked for a second then put her hands on Finns neck,bringing him into a passionate kiss.

They both pulled away,leaving Finn shocked.

"I'm in love with you too." Y/n said.

A/n-I actually thought this was cute but it's just cheesy as f.

Song-Sweet Dreams by: BØRNS




I'm delirious


I need some grand theft auto aesthetics!

219 words

Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now