Single Line Poems (collection)

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These are just for fun. I'll update this chapter every now and then. :)

These are one-lined poems and 7-word poems.

Yours were the first eyes I saw, stunning, yet still filled with flaws.

Forgave but still cold, can't let go

They said "impossible"; I proved them wrong.

Soul twisted with black roses, full of thorns but alluring

Places I'll never see, the world is hindering me

Layers of perfection covered self-doubt from detection

Some deeds are wrong, so keep fighting on

Tailored to meet the standards of society

Bones are shattered by the weight I bear

Light as the breeze, beckoning me toward the seas.

Harmless love, harmless life, it never works, causing strife

someday i'll walk with a smile.

it's impossible to forget your sad eyes

A Peek Through My Eyes 🗸Where stories live. Discover now