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"Yoongi you know you can't be sleeping all the time at math class"I said "you know y/n I think they should make a sleeping class" Yoongi said
You were walking while talking and a boy went running and pushed you,you fell on the floor on your butt.
The boy said "watch were your going!" "Ohh I'm sorry" I said sarcastically "Thank y-" I cut him off "Sorry but I was not the one running without looking at the surroundings" I said "Who do you think you are to talk to me like that."
He said "I guess you can say I'm a human" I said I saw he's angry expression Then I saw Yoongi run
I was running to go get Lisa so she can calm down y/n I couldn't find her then I saw her in the vending machine "Lisa I need you come quick". "Wait Yoongi I'm waiting for my chocolate"Lisa said "that can wait"I said "what's more important than my chocolate" Lisa said. "Y/n I think is making jungkook rage" I said "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!" We started running
"What did I make you angry?" I said "Y'N WAIT" Lisa said "LISA!!" "Y/n calm your anger let's go" Lisa said "ok" i said "WAIT so your name is Y/n" the boy said "yes and yours?" I asked "Jungkook and well bye ENEMY" Jungkook said "bye ENEMY" I said

"Y/n" Lisa said "what" I asked "well you know there's a dance coming and well I want to ask Yoongi" Lisa said "You want to ask the betrayer". I said " Y/n you know he didn't mean it and also maybe you can ask Jungkook" she said I was choking "for the last time we don't make a cute couple" I said "Y/n don't lie" Lisa said "I'm not lying Lisa so how do you want to ask Yoongi" I said "well I was thinking you could ask him for me" she said "ok" I said "I know that he betrayed-wait you said yesYAY!" She said

"Y/n Lisa I don't want to be friends" Yoongi said "why?" You and Lisa said "I don't know I think our friendship won't work out" he said with that he left "wow Lisa he didn't even say sorry" I said Lisa crying
NEXT DAY Yoongi was hanging out with Jungkook


"Y/n where are you going?" Lisa asked "where else to tell Yoongi" I said
I was talking with Jungkook then I saw Y/n coming my way so I told Jungkook "wait for me in the cafeteria" "ok" Jungkook said
"Hi Yoongi" I said "hi Y/n before you say anything I want to say sorry" he said "what do you mean?" I asked "I want to say sorry because of our friendship" he said "ohh that" I said "I want to say I want to be your friend again" he said "look we can only be friends let's see from there if you turn into a best friend" I said "thanks what did you want to tell me?" He asked "what do you think about Lisa do you still like her?" I asked " Y/n I still do" he said " well she wanted to ask you if you want to go to the dance with her?" I said "yes I would love to" he said "and you Y/n what about Jungkook you know that taehyung,jhope,namjoon,Jin,jimin,me,Lisa think you make a cute couple" he said "eww never" I said disgusted "well you know what they say enemies become lovers" he said " stop I need to go" I said almost throwing up

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