Chapter Four: The Infection Worsens

Start from the beginning

I shook him hard making sure he was fully awake. He looked up at me and smiled. It pained me to be in a hurry like this.

Davy something's happened and we need to leave now!

I know... Oliver are you sure you want to leave? Even though these people put me threw a lot of pain, they gave me a few extra days to live. I owe them my life plus I don't have long anyway.

I began to shake violently, stupid tics...

Please come with me, please!

He shook his head still holding a smile on his face. How is he so happy even in the worst situations...

Oliver this may be the last time I see you so I wanted to thank you for being my friend and for caring for me even when I had a chance of taking you down with me.

The world became a blur to me and I began to cry harder than I ever have before.

I never got to t-thank you for saving me in seventh grade... when I almost got my ass kicked by Jonas.

Without thinking I hugged him. He hugged me back and leaned close to my ear. "Th- Thank you... big brother..."

I jumped back, he talked! I wiped my face on my sleeve and got to my feet. "Bye Davy..." I said even though I knew he couldn't hear me and walk out of the tent.


Once more I looked back... Lina had her eyes on me but she had an ugly frown on her face. I turned around again and began walking into the forest.

Cautiously, I pulled my gun from my belt, I was ready to attack anything that came at me. I sprinted threw the forest, I could hear twigs breaking and leaves crunching beneath their feet but there were to many to fight off.

Then I slowed, there was a fence up ahead! I don't really think I had any other choice but to jump over it. There was no time to find another path to run down, I would be eaten alive.

The fence was barb wired which means it was either electric or just really pointy.

I hooked my foot into a hole a began to climb to the top. I guess it's not electric...

My attempt to climb the fence was a complete failure. My shirt got hooked one one of the spikes causing a huge tear in it. I tumbled over and landed hard on the ground.

How embarrassing...

I sat there like an idiot for a few minutes before I felt a burning hand brush against my shoulder.

My heart skipped a beat and I scrambled far from the fence. There was so many of them! They lined half the fence. They groaned and screamed, it's almost like they want something...

That fence wasn't going to hold up for long so I decided to get moving. I walked down the road as slowly as possible not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

The more I walked the more I began to realize how beautiful this town was. It was small, yes but it was peaceful.

The only sound I could hear was the sound of someone crying... wait! The sound of someone crying?

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