Chapter 13: A Story 11 Years in the Making

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Surface King Arthur Avalon P.O.V

I looked at Vlad, Theodore, and Erwin, their faces have turned deafeningly pale. What was this hunter talking about? Who is this demon girl? And what has my loyal companions kept secret from me for 11 years?

"Vlad, Theodore, Erwin explain." I gave them a cold stare as they slowly turned to face me. "What secrets have you kept from me?" They all looked at each other and sighed.

"As you remember 11 years ago the three of us and 50 soldiers and 30 vampire hunters went to the forest and encountered a powerful demon vampire and eliminated him losing around 40-50 men in the process."

"But wait you were the only ones to return?" I was slightly confused

"In truth your highness the demon vampire wasn't the only thing we encountered."

"!!!!" I was in shock, then Erwin continued

"It all happened after we killed the demon..."


Erwin P.O.V

"We finally killed the demon vampire, I actually believe he could have been a leader as usually we would not have had this many casualties." Theodore and Vlad nodded in agreement.

I looked around at the many bodies that littered the forest floor, 12 vampire hunters 36 soldiers were slaughtered. Suddenly I hear the sound of branches cracking and the sound of leaves being stepped on. All of us quickly turn to the direction of the noises, footsteps. Then I hear a young female voice from the same direction.

"Daddy?...DADDY!!!" The sound of the footsteps gets quicker and louder, a young girl of the age I would estimate around 5 wearing a cloak that covered her face. "Daddy? Daddy wake up! DADDY PLEASE WAKE UP!!!" The girl was sobbing, it's most likely her daughter since she's calling him daddy. That means she must be a demon vampire too, small tears were falling from her eyes her from under her hood. "Did you do this to our daddy?" I was a bit confused "our?" though I didn't care I gestured three of our men to eliminate her. In a split second I felt a sudden wind with a loud hissing that followed, at first I thought it was the sound of the girl being killed but I couldn't be more mistaken. "We asked you a question did you do this TO OUR DADDY?!!?!" The voice I was hearing was different than before it echoed with a demonic undertone yet it still had the voice of the girl. I turned around I was horrified to see all three of the men were spurting blood from their necks all of them had fallen all of them were now dead. The little girl's cloak began to disintegrate her hair went completely black, slowly she turned her head her eyes were pitch black and she had the creepiest smile I have ever seen, I was terrified. One by one she eliminated the rest of our men, some screamed as she touched their head, some of the guys' eyes would look like they crying black tar until they fainted, some were impaled by what like tendrils which came from seemingly nowhere, others decapitated then eaten. Vlad attempted to attack but she grabbed him by the arm and effortlessly threw him hard against a tree next to Theodore and I to the point that the tree was brought down. All of us were petrified, slowly approached us blood covering her dress.

"What-tt a-are you?" Theodore shuttered

"My name is Agatha-Mary, I am a demon spirit born in a host body. You attempted to take little miss's life as well as took our father's life." She was now right in front of us, she stared down at us it was clear her power was greater than ours.

"P-pp-please spare us." Suddenly three tendrals sprouted from the ground grabbing each of us by the neck.

"Don't worry I won't kill you, though I won't let you go without you suffering a bit." A huge demonic smile was plastered on her face. "Though the only reason why is that if I killed you little miss might not get good enough closure, she is not yet strong enough to kill and she has yet to know of my existence yet. I will not interfere with her revenge, that is unless you make attempt on her life again then I won't hesitate to aid her in making your last few moments a living hell. Now you must promise not to do that okay!" We all nodded vigorously, "Good but just in case..." she rose her hand to face us and I felt a sharp burning pain on the inner side of my wrist, I lifted my hand and turned it to look at my wrist 50 black petals in a circle, similar to a daisy. "If you 3 ever break your promise those marks will be the countdown to your end." With a flick of her wrist the tendrals let us go, all of us ran out of the forest as fast as we could. I will never forget this day.

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