Chapter 14 -Tricks and Fools-

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Chapter 14

-Tricks and Fools-


The crisp of the air filled within me as I sauntered around the garden of Eistrid's house.

Staying at Midgard for a mean while was a lot waste of a time. I should be at Asgard, begrudgingly picturing Thor sitting on the throne.

My escape plan had not failed me. They won't find me for sure; even Heimdall could not hear nor see me for I have covered my best subterfuge.

I had casted a spell over Odin, making his sleep to take longer for my own good, but it dissipated when Thor had destroyed my skit. It is my fault though. I had gauchely planned everything uncontrolled. I let my dark plans blinded me for the sake of vengeance.

Yes, vengeance was not over, my dear Allfather and Thor. Taste the bitter truth of knowing that I, Loki, will still live. Neither Algrim, nor the Dark Elves can defeat and kill the God of Mischief.

How did I live?


During the battle with the Dark Elves, the Kurse had almost killed Thor. I had created a clone of myself to aid Thor by killing the Kurse.

It had killed me, apologies... it had killed my clone by pulling me towards the blade I hda stabbed on its chest. Of course, I had to add a little for my act, so why not go on with the play? Thor had bought it anyways. That oaf really is an easy fool. He's always going to fall for it.

I had been a great king; I knew I always will be. If only mother could see me into my victory upon the throne for the second time. The Asgardians have obeyed and respected me, just like Odin.

Odin and Thor are not far from alike, but he was a wise king, and caught me that I was still alive and had been blending along within Asgard. And for the second time, we had a painful argument. So much for my forbidden pride, I dragged the topic about Frigga, observing Odin still had the fresh scar inside him upon her death. Strange was, we had this flashback when I had known of my true heritage, and it leads where Odin fell, deep upon his slumber. And now, seeing the Allfather unwell once again, he fell to the floor. And for the second time, I was the reason of his sudden Odinsleep.

I did not ask for help. Everyone knows I am dead. My selfish ambitions whispered upon my conscious that Odin was of no use. I can kill him, but I did nothing to harm him for the reason I do not know.

I kept and hidden the Allfather locked up into his own chamber. I casted a spell on the huge golden doors to keep my secret unknown and safe away from Asgard, for the mean time.

I had controlled the minds of two of the Einherjar guards that had guarded the chambers, that is to make sure no intruders would come near the place.

Asgard indeed hides a great secret, the Palace to be exact.

Tired of sitting at the golden throne of my statuesque demeanor all day, it brought my feet to the secret depths of the palace that I still had not seen before, not even laid a foot when Thor and I would play and tour around the palace. Or maybe, I haven't just remembered this place.

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