Chapter 22 -Leaving-

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Chapter 22


The early morning light creeps through the small peek line of the curtains, allowing itself to glow into Loki's pale skin. It warms him, making him moan distractively, dragging him back to reality of another day that came.

Waking up, he pulls himself out of bed. He decided to take an early shower, dress up with his everyday green T-shirt ritual, and a casual denim jean.

The clock on the wall says eight-thirty, and wondered why haven't anyone wake him for an early breakfast? How odd it is to hear the defeaning quietness. No sound of the magical box of technology they call the Television, neither the radio, since Cara loves to turn those annoying midgardian things in a bloody morning, unfortunately for himself.

He went for the kitchen, expecting either Cara or Eistrid's figure preparing for breakfast, but so much to his dismay, no one was there.

"Where are they?"

The living room, patio, garden, and neither each of their individual chambers showed their presence. It started to worry him.

Standing at the edge of Cara's bed, where he made his last check, he stared out of thin air. Did they left him? He sigh disappointed. As he was about to turn away and make an exit, something had caught his eyes. He approached it quickly. It was a piece of paper folded once placed on the bed-side table. But surprisingly, there was his name written on it.

I knew something was not right about Eistrid. I know that you also knew about her sudden change of behavior, and I saw something in her eyes before we had ourselves for dinner. Her eyes flicked red for a moment, and I can tell it was not her. She wanted both of us early tomorrow morning at Dr. Jane Foster's place at London. For what, I do not know. I was only pretending that I know nothing, so you better be there, or else.

P.S. I don't trust you. But I know my friend has slowly changed you. You care about her, and I know you'll help her.

Cara xx

The letter was written yesterday night. And both of them left before he wakes up.

He was deeming something was not right about Eistrid. He even saw that too. Her eyes flicked red for a second, but he just shrugged it off, thinking it was just a reflection of any light from afar.

But things twist, and turn, that not all things seemed to be the same way. Eistrid started to change after the day before yesterday, when he thought Eistrid called him in her dreams. She saw something, or even worser than that.

With that, he immediately stood up, crumpling the paper in his hands. As he walk pass the living room, and into the garden, his head suddenly seared in pain. His knees touched the ground roughly, gasping for air as he felt that it were being sucked out from his lungs.

"My... Son." A dark and deep voice echoed through his ears.

He was still curled up on the ground. When he felt that the pain was subsiding away, he slowly opened his eyes. It was just the voice that tried to break in through his sorcery to prevent anyone from tracking his whereabouts, especially from Heimdall. He immediately recognized the voice.

"Laufey." He sneered as he gathered his knees to stand.

"We are about to change the entire realms. The existence will be extinct. The malfunction of the wrong beliefs will be erased in all the life forms that lived. And all souls, will burn to ashes."

"What have you done?!"

"Oh, nothing big, really. I just let the girl know who she really was and her purpose on why she was born. Well, if she ever wished to live." Laufey mockingly laughed.

Shattered Ones [Loki Fan Fiction] SLOW UPDATEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें