Chapter 1 -First nightmare-

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 Chapter 1

--First nightmare-


I never believed on such mythology legends. But my Mother and Father would always tell me a story of those worlds when I was a kid, that aside from Earth, we are not alone.

"One day, you might encounter some of them." My mom told me. My dad smiled.

"Or maybe, you could even go to some worlds like--"

"Asgard?" I said excitedly, cutting him off. He laughed and pats my head gently, slightly brushing it.

"Yes, my princess." he moved his hands to my face and letting them caress my cheek. His smile suddenly changed to a sad expression while his eyebrows were knit together, slightly showing lines on his forehead.

"Father? What's wrong?" I asked him, slightly wondering.

My mother puts her arms around him, as if like she was giving him security. My father cupped my face with both of his hands and at that moment, he seemed to age younger when he smiled at me.

"It's too early my princess, to know such things like this. And it'll come, in time." he kissed me on my forehead, which I close my eyes. It was such a comforting gesture of him.

He slowly moved away from me, and I looked at them with a questioning look. I don't understand them, but I was that clever. They knew something that I don't even have a clue about.

My vision started to blur, indicating that tears are now welling up in my eyes. Slowly, they were starting to walk away from me. I tried to follow and reach them, but whenever I tried; my hands would only pass through them. They were somewhat visible yet untouchable.

Are they leaving me alone? Again?

"Mother! Father!" I cried as tears were now escaping my eyes, freely flowing down my pale face.

No, no, no! They can't leave me! After all these years, they left me for an unknown reason, and it's slowly killing the loneliness inside me.

I kept on running, following where they would go. But unfortunately, I can't reach them. They were still far.

As if they felt I was still following them, they faced me.

"We would return, for you, Eistrid." My father said with an unreadable expression. He reaches the hand of my mother. "We would be together again."

"When? Where? To a world that really does not really exist?" I angrily answered back, then they both smiled at me.

"We are only keeping you away from danger. Never forget us, Eistrid. Don't leave a burden in your heart because we are always watching you."

They suddenly stopped into a spot, where I last saw them took by a rainbow colored light: where I thought them dead and mourned for them. The markings where like ancient carvings over the moist ground of the forest.

"We will come back to warn you, Eistrid. As for now, farewell." And with that, and once again, they were vanished by the rainbow light from the sky.

This is my destiny, to live alone all my life. Left by my parents that until now, I don't know if they were still alive or already dead.

Still crying, I slowly made my way out of the forest. But the longer I walk, the colder it gets. I can see the place I was entering were turning to freezing ice. The trees were no longer there. As if I had entered to another world: a world that was ruined.

I don't understand until now why I can merely stand the coldness of a place, even how freezing it gets. Normally, a human could be freezing dead by now. But the feel of the breeze on my skin felt so insanely good and kept my nerves to calm.

But this time, it's different. My instincts were telling me so that I am not alone.

I looked back; to see that the forest was not there in case I wanted to back out. But in defeat, I was trapped into this dark-freezing world.

I was starting to get scared.

But as if it was something magic, with just a blink of an eye, I was now standing in front of a box-like thing. It was glowing with a blue light inside. It was so beautiful and something magical. And hypnotized with its awe-stricken beauty, I stepped forward making my way near the magical thing.

"Don't." Someone from nowhere said. I paused, blinking my eyes twice and stared at the thing in front of me. My fingers were nearly touching it.

"If I were you, I would not dare to touch it."

I blinked my eyes again. I don't know for an instant, I pull myself away from the blue glowing box. But still I am afraid to find who owns the voice that was warning me. Then I heard footsteps from behind me.

And I can't bare to move! Crap, the nervousness is killing me. But I stood still, waiting for the unknown to come near me.

"Be careful of your own actions, Midgardian. You don't know what would be unleashed." He warned me again.

Midgardian? What the hell is he talking about?

"Who are you? And what do you mean about what would be unleashed?" I asked, confused. He scoffed; he closes the gap between us. I looked at the reflection in front of a large covered ice rock. He was a human! Yet dressed in a weird leather clothing with gold plated metals. But his face is faint and the darkness of the place makes it hard for me to see his face clearly. He was also tall, around 6"2, and his hair was long yet neatly combed away. I looked like I was just a puny girl on this tall man.

I watched him on the reflection, bending down to my right ear, I could hear him breathe which send shivers down my spine.

"You would know me in time, midgardian. But for now, the Casket is far from your reach. The longer the time, the harder the truth for you to take. Revenge can wait my love." He whispered with pure mischief. I can almost hear a silent smirk.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I was now getting scared more and more. I don't even know where the hell I am, who the hell this unknown man behind me, and the fact that his British-accent menacing voice was scaring me. It was mixed with pure mischief and all even though he was also giving me warning...

Why was everybody keeps on warning me?

"Soon, you will... Eistrid Whittaker." he said in a cold tone, still a hint of warning on it, and he vanished like the cold touch of a winter storm, surrounding within myself.

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