''He did'' The man responded and when he noticed that all the demons were heating up and they started clenching their fists with anger he added, ''But, he will be saved if she never remembers the reason of her death''

''What does this means?'' Suga asked him.

''After dying here, she would've met some angel by now and if she doesn't remember your face and the reason for her death then you will not be punished''

''and what if she remembers it later?'' Jungkook asked him.

''She will be given two choices i.e she can get her life back or forgive her murderer and she will be dead as she is now''

''I will go and talk to her'' Jungkook who was not in control said.

''You cannot go to the world of the dead, only angels, dead people and deities can go'' RM cautioned.

''then. what should we do?'' J-hope asked the angel of death.

''just pray that she will never remember it'' the man responded and transported, living only air behind him.


''What is the way? How can I get my life back?" You asked her.

''We will give you 6 months to go and live again and in that time you will have to find the reason behind your death and if you succeed then you will be given two choices and one of it is getting the life again and the other is--''

but before she could tell you the other choice you chimed in, ''I don't care about the other choice, I will go with the first one i.e getting the life again''

''but you will have to do something else too!''


''Actually, you know demons?''

''Demons?'' You repeated her words, ''You mean those people who eat humans? I mean not people but animals or people I don't know what are they called''

''They are hunting people too much and it's not good''

''but you said earlier that it is hard to get lives nowadays'' You argued.

''that is right, it's because the world is facing problems like over-population and because of progress in medicines'' she rejoined, ''so it's hard to balance the rate of deaths and births''

''then you want me to interfere in people's lives and tell them not to reproduce babies more than 2 so that demons will eat less, right?''

She laughed, ''So, can you stop people?''

''Wow, Daebak. Why would I interfere in their lives, who cares if they reproduce a single piece or a complete football team''

''I never asked you to stop them or anything, I just want you to stop the demons, teach them that how worthy is the life of a human''

''but why me? I will just go and find the reason of my death, why this?''

''It is necessary for you to find the demons first and teach them because one of them is the person who killed you'' She murmured making it impossible for you to understand.

''What are you saying?'' You snapped and asked her, ''Okay, so how many demons are there in the world in total?''

''About 10,000''

''So you want me to stop all of them?'' You smiled and then gave her a stern look, ''Am I a FOOL?''

''You just need to fight sevens'' She crossed her arms.

''and how I will find them in such a big world?''

''I will give you hints a bit by bit and now when you will go back to the earth, you will land at their secret place where they transform into their original forms''

''Why you want me to die by their hands?''

''but aren't you already dead?''

You shook your head, ''yes, I am'' and then added, ''okay so give me some super powers too''

There was a silence and then something vibrated and there was a ringtone, ''Mani, Mani, Mani, Mani'' It was angel's phone and she received the call and then after that, you asked her, ''What is this, you guys use phones too?''

''If the earth is progressing then can't sky too?'' 

''but this ringtone? are you an army too?''

''are you an army too?''

You both shouted hard and hugged each other.

Wow, an angel is an army. You thought

''So, now as you are my fellow so I will give you a superpower too and I just received a confirmation call from higher angels''

''what is the superpower?''

''You can read people's--''

before she could complete the sentence you cut her off as you always do, ''mind?''

''no, people's hearts'' she rejoined,'' but not all time just when their eyes are swimming with tears then you can hear what their heart is saying''

''But with this power, how will I survive fighting the demons? aren't they made with fire? what will happen to me?''

''Whenever you need to say something just shout out my name and I will either call you on your phone or if I am free then I will come to you'' She smiled and then waved her hands, ''Goodbye, don't forget that you only have 6 months and you can't tell anyone your mission or that you are already dead''

''but--'' and before you could ask something again, you disappeared into nothing and went back to the land of the living.

''If it doesn't burn a little then what's the point of playing with fire?'' She smirked as she crossed her arms again.


So this was a long chapter and soon you all will read how Y/n is going to meet the demons and all that stuff

love you all.

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