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''Angel of life?'' You repeated her words and then pouted as you took few steps closer to her while she took her steps back and before she could ask you anything you held her hand and begged, ''If you are the angel of life then can't you give me my life back?''

''Give your life back?'' She exhaled some air and then her lips turned into a soft smirk, ''Do you know how hard it is to get lives nowadays?''

''Wait...Wait! So Is this my fault? and I am so young, I haven't dated anyone seriously yet'' Your face turned into a sad emoji.

''Is this my fault? You should've loved anyone and died without regrets''

''Love? Love.Love.Love'' You almost sang it and then added, ''What is it good for? absolutely nothing!''

''Because of your this attitude you were selected to die soon even though you didn't have the shadow of death''

''How I died?'' You asked her and then held your head, ''Why the hell, I can't remember?''

''You know, where you are going?''

''Where? Heaven?''

''No, Hell''

You gulped, ''No way! I lived my life so purely''

''What's the advantage of living a decent life when you never smiled with your heart once? Even though you died because of a reason but you were poisoning yourself a bit by bit''

What she said was true. You never had a lover, not a loving family even though you always tried to ignore all these facts and cheer yourself up but you failed always and you were mentally stressed and depressed. She then asked you to recall if you ever had a happy moment in your life and after recalling, there was nothing.

She continued, ''You only live once''

''You were born as an angel or you were a human too?'' You asked her while wiping your tears.

''I was once a human and I was so good that they made me an angel'' She smiled.

''I don't want to go so soon'' You sobbed, ''I want to make happy memories, I want to spend time with my family''

She looked up and down making sure that you won't see her swimming eyes and she patted your shoulders, ''There is only one way''


''Why you came as an eagle to the dorm?'' V who was shocked just as others asked Suga who has now turned into his human form.

''I am screwed'' He held his head and kneeled down.

''What happened?'' Jimin who kneeled down too asked him as he was worried.

''I-I w-was driving and I hit a girl a-and that girl died at the moment'' He whimpered.

''She had the shadow of death, right?'' RM asked hesitating while hoping for a good reply.

Suga shook his head giving the sign that he did something very wrong as he killed a girl who wasn't meant to die so early.

''What will we do?'' J-hope asked trembling in fear, ''He will get punished and will die and never be reborn again. What are we going to do?''

''It's the fault of that girl. She came in his way'' Jungkook's eye color turned into the red as he was burning, ''ANGEL OF DEATH!!!''

''What now?'' The man asked who appeared out of nowhere and he was the angel of death.

''He didn't kill her, Forgive him please'' V almost cried.

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