Chapter Three: The Project

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A few weeks into the term, Harry found himself staring at Draco. He quickly looked back down at his plate with his cheeks burning.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Ron asked and he nodded.

"Are you ready for the first day of classes?" Hermione asked, quickly changing the subject.

"No," Ron sulked.

"Just think, just one more year and you're home free," Harry grinned.

"I guess," Ron shrugged and they headed to their first class. Which was Transfigurations. After a few classes they had Defense Against the Dark Arts. With Slytherin.

"Okay, class," Snape said. "To start off, I am going to put you in pairs. This person will be your partner for the rest of the year and all the projects that are assigned."

He read down the list of partners and Harry realised that he was pairing all of the Gryffendors with Slytherins. Everyone else had their partners except for...

"Malfoy and Potter," Snape announced and Draco took his seat next to Harry. Snape began his lecture, but Harry was shaking so bad that he couldn't take notes, not that he was paying any attention anyway.

"Are you okay, Potter?" Draco hissed. Harry gulped and nodded. Before class ended, Snape assigned a project and Harry silently cursed him.

"I can't believe that you have to work with Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed.

"This could be a good thing. You know, keeps your friends clear and your enemy closer," Hermione grinned and winked at Harry, who blushed.

They kept walking and Harry bumped into Draco, making him fall. Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him up, causing him to end up closer. Draco yanked his arm away but didn't step back, making Harry's face burn.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" he snapped weakly.

"I merely wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the library during free period to work on our project," he asked.Harry's face turned darker as he nodded.

"See you there, Potter," Draco called over his shoulder as he walked away.

"That was... strange," Ron said and Hermione nodded. Harry just stood there, his face burning as his eyes slid down to Draco's bum.

"Harry! We are going to be late for our next class!" Ron shouted as he snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face.

At free period, Harry headed over to the library and saw Draco leaning against the wall outside. Harry's heartbeat began to speed up as he studied the blonde boy's figure.

"Are you coming, Potter?" Draco shouted when he noticed him. Harry walked over and they headed to a spot where no one was.

"Are you ready to get this over with, Malfoy?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and brushed ran a hand through his hair.

"Let's get to work," he ordered and Harry nodded, thankful to have something else to focus on. They took notes and after a while, Harry found himself staring at Draco.

"Got a staring problem, Potter?" Draco snapped, pulling Harry back from his daydreams. "I mean, I know that I'm good looking and all, but staring is rude."

"I wasn't staring, Malfoy. Especially not at you!" Harry snapped back, his cheeks blazing. Draco raised an eyebrows, then went back to work. They worked for another twenty minutes until Draco got bored. He looked over at Harry, who was blushing under his gaze.

"You have been blushing an awful lot lately, Potter," Draco smirked. "Have a crush on me or something?"

"A crush on you?" Harry laughed. "That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. Come up with it on your own? It's almost as funny as when you said that you were good looking."

"What are you talking about? I am irresistible," he smirked seductively, running a hand down his body. Harry's eyes followed his hand. Draco was irresistible but he would never admit that to him. He flicked his eyes back to Draco's face and landed on his lips.

"How cute. You think you're irresistible," Harry chuckled and ruffled the shorter boy's hair. Draco slapped his hand away and attempted to fix his hair.

"Watch yourself, Golden Boy," he hissed. Harry laughed and Draco scowled at him. He had to admit though, Harry's laugh was cute. He froze. Did he really just think that? There was no way that he was going to allow himself to....Want Potter. He shivered at the thought.

Harry frowned as Draco gazed into space. He sighed and snapped his fingers in front of the boy's face. He didnt even blink.

"Malfoy," he called, shaking his shoulder. Draco jumped and scowled at him.

"I think that we are done for today, Potter," he sneered and gathered his things. Harry rolled his eyes, knowing full well that they barely got anything done.

"Same time tomorrow?" he asked and Draco looked at him like he had grown a second head. "We have to finish sometime, Malfoy. Better we get it done early somwe dont have to worry about seeing eachother, right?"

"I suppose," Draco muttered. "See you tomorrow, Potter."

He turned to leave but his foot caught the leg of the chair, sending him crashing into the green eyed boy. He landed on him and pushed himself up. He was straddling Harry, his hands on either side of the Gryffendor's head. Their eyes locked and Harry's eyes burned a crimson red.

Draco quickly got up, clearly flustered, and marched out of the library, leaving a dazed blushing Harry on the ground. Harry finally gotten to his feet and stumbled out into the hallway. Neither boy had noticed the Slytherin watching from behind the bookshelf.


Harry sat on the chair in front of the fire place in the common room. He found himself thinking of Draco and wishing he had enough courage to press his lips against cute blonde's. He hadn't hesrd Hermione walk down the stairs and jumped when she touched his shoulder.

"What are you still doing up?" she asked.

"Thinking," he replied.

"What happened with Draco?" she asked. He sighed and turned to her, explaining what had happened.

"I think I am going to bed," he told her and walked up the stairs.

~In the Slytherin common room~

Draco laid on his bed and his thoughts whirled around  endlessly. He couldn't like Potter, he wouldn't allow himself. But maybe it would be a good thing.

His life needed a little light and Potter could be that. He listened to the noises of the other boys around him. Usually he would have crawled in with Blaise by now, he couldn't stand sleeping alone, but that was most certainly not going to happen. When he was younger, he was allowed to sleep with his parents. That is, until his father said that it was mortifying and wouldn't allow anymore of it. After that, his mother would lay with him almost every night. Tears came to his eyes as he thought of his mother.

He rolled over on his side and squeezed his eyes shut. He knew his parents would be joining his nightmares tonight.


Poor Draco! I hope that he will be ok!

Anyway, any thoughts on it? I really appreciate hearing what you think. I have been updating more than I thought I would also so I will try to keep that up. No guarantees!

Hope you like it! See ya'll soon!

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