Chapter Eleven: The Start of the Holiday

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"I can't believe that you invited him to come with you," Ron frowned. Harry looked down at the blonde who was asleep with his head in Harry's lap. They were on the train going home for holiday break.

"I wasn't about to leave him alone there, now was I?" Harry frowned. Ron sighed and leaned back in his seat.

"I understand why you're doing this, Harry," he began. "I really do. But you have to remember the last few years."

"I do," Harry sighed, subconsciously running his fingers through Draco's hair. "But I also know that people can change."

"Not that drastically," Ron mumbled. They were silent until Hermione came back.

"Hey," she grinned. Harry shushed her and she looked at the sleeping snake. "Sorry."

"Where have you been?" Ron asked.

"I was with Ginny and Cho," Hermione stated as she sat next to Ron. "Then I left because they were getting a bit too lovey dovey for me."

Draco yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Are we there?" He yawned.

"Almost," Harry smiled. Draco sat up and Harry kept an arm wrapped around him. A few minutes later, they pulled up into the station and Harry was the first one off.

"Harry!" Arthur Weasley called. Harry smiled and waved back. "Sirius has asked us to take you to Grimauld Place."

"Oh," Harry frowned disappointedly. "Alright."

Draco, Ron, and Hermione got off the train behind him and Draco walked casually over to Harry.

"Um, hi," he smiled at Arthur. The older Weasley rose an eyebrow but didn't say a word.

"There are my parents!" Hermione called. "I'll see you all in January!"

She disappeared into the crowd and Arthur cleared his throat.

"We should get going as well. Sirius was so excited," he chuckled. "We're going to Apparate, alright?"

Harry took Draco's hand in his as he placed a hand on Mr. Weasley's arm. The sensation of Apparition was something Harry would never get used to. Then, they were standing in front of Grimauld Place.

"There you are boys," Arthur smiled. "Goodbye!"

A loud crack sounded and the Weasleys were gone. Harry, still holding Draco's hand, led him up to the door and walked right in. He heard noises in the kitchen and headed towards it.

"Sirius, will you stop?" Remus's voice sighed. "Harry is going to be here in... Hey!"

There was a noise that made Harry think that Remus hit Sirius.

"Come on, Moony," Sirius whined. "We have time."

"Sirius! Put me down!" Remus ordered.

"You're no fun, Remus," Sirius purred.

Harry reached the kitchen door and pushed it open.

"Hey..." He trailed off, his eyes growing wide. Remus was sitting on the table with his back to the boys and his shirt off while Sirius was standing between his legs and his arms wrapped around the other.

"Hey, Harry," Sirius called, looking around Remus. "We weren't expecting you yet."

"I can tell," Harry frowned as Remus struggled against Sirius's grip.

"Sirius, let me go!" He demanded. Sirius released him and he hopped down, pulling his shirt back on and blushing furiously. "Dinner is almost ready if you boys are hungry."

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